Feeling Tempted? Powerful Prayers Against Temptations and Novena to Saint Anthony who was also Tempted by Demons!

Saint Anthony the Great, was the founder of monasticism and famous for overcoming great temptations. He had strange conflicts with demons in the shape of wild beasts, who inflicted blows upon him, and sometimes left him nearly dead. Below are several different prayers to this powerful saint - these prayers can be said at anytime during the year. His feast day is January 17th. He is Patron Saint of: against pestilence; amputees; animals; basket makers; basket weavers; brushmakers; butchers; cemetery workers; domestic animals; eczema; epilepsy; epileptics; ergotism; erysipelas; gravediggers; graveyards; hermits; hogs; Hospitallers; monks; pigs; relief from pestilence; shingles; skin diseases; skin rashes; swine; swineherds

Prayer Against Temptations:
Make the sign of the Cross; saying: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. We unite, great Saint! with the universal Church, in offering thee the homage of our affectionate veneration, and in praising our Emmanuel for the gifts He bestowed upon thee. How sublime a life was thine, and how rich in fruit were thy works! Verily, thou art the Father of a great people, and one of the most powerful auxiliaries of the Church of God. We beseech thee, therefore, pray for the Monastic Order, that it may re-appear in all its ancient fervour; and pray for each member of the great Family. Fevers of the body have been often allayed by thy intercession, and we beg for a continuance of this thy compassionate aid--but the fevers of our soul are more dangerous, and we beg thy pity and prayers that we may be delivered from them. Watch over us, in the temptations, which the enemy is unceasingly putting in our way; pray for us, that we may be vigilant in the combat, prudent in avoiding dangerous occasions, courageous in the trial, and humble in our victory. The angel of darkness appeared to thee in a visible shape; but he hides himself, and his plots from us; here again, we beg thy prayers, that we be not deceived by his craft. May the fear of God's judgments, and the thought of eternity, penetrate into the depth of our souls. May prayer be our refuge in every necessity, and Penance our safe-guard against sin. But above all, pray that we may have that, which thou didst counsel above all--the Love of Jesus--of that Jesus, who, for love of us, deigned to be born into this world, that so He might merit for us the graces wherewith we might triumph--of that Jesus, who humbled Himself even so far as to suffer temptation, that so He might show us how we were to resist and fight. Amen. Glory Be...

Novena Prayer to Saint Antony of Egypt

(Repeat over 9 days)

Make the sign of the Cross; saying: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Glorious Saint Antony, who upon hearing only one word of the Gospel didst forsake the riches and the ease of thy family, thy native land and the world, in order to retire into the wilderness; who, in spite of thy heavy burden of advanced age and the ravages of severe penance, didst not hesitate to leave thy solitude to rebuke openly the impiety of heretics and to restore wavering Christians to a firmer hold upon their faith with all the zeal of a confessor desirous of martyrdom; who through thy conquest of self and the excellence of thy virtues was endowed by Our Lord with miraculous power over animate and inanimate nature; do thou obtain for us the grace to be ever zealous in the cause of Christ and His Church and to persevere even unto death in our imitation of thee, in our belief in revealed truth, and in our keeping of they commandments and the counsels of the Gospel; to the end that, having faithfully followed in thy footsteps here on earth, we many be enabled to become sharers in thy heavenly glory through all the ages of eternity. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be. 


Litany of Saint Antony the Great
Make the sign of the Cross; saying: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
First of all monks, your name they hail, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Charity has gained such heights for you, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Wonderworker known for favors gained, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Humbly you obeyed with strength and love, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Shield for those who came to seek your aid, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Healer of all ills and guide for souls, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Spring and treasure house of charity, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Ever shining star and lamp of light, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Table of the Law and Gospel book, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Guide of those in doubt and ignorance, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Lamp of those who walk in darkness now, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Light of Holy Mother Church, your merits shines, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Peace for those who dread the enemy, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Gladness for the sad, strength for the tried, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Faithful to your word and ever true, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Sun of monks and nuns and start for all, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
Temple arch who holds the power of God, Great St. Antony, we beg your prayers
V. Pray for us, Great Saint Antony
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ
Let us Pray:
Father Antony, you equaled Elias in his zeal and followed John the Baptist in his holy way of life. You peopled the wilderness and established the world on the firm foundation of your prayers. Intercede with Christ God that He may save our souls. Amen
Troparion (TONE 4) Melkite Catholic Divine Liturgy for St. Antony (Prayers Source: https://www.communityofhopeinc.org/)
