
Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : 4th Advent Sunday, December 22 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Chaeromon a Bishop and Martyr During the Anti-Christian Persecution - Saint of December 22

Quote to SHARE by St. Ambrose "Open wide your door to the one who comes. Open your soul, throw open the depths of your heart to see...the treasures of peace..."

Russian Missile Attacks Damage Historic St. Nicholas Church in Kyiv, Ukraine

Pope Francis Tells Families "Teach your children to pray" and to Gather "around the Nativity scene, to give thanks to God" FULL TEXT Christmas Greeting

Open Your Heart to Jesus with this Christmas Novena : Official with Plenary Indulgence - Powerful Prayers to Share!

Pope Francis Condemns Attacks on Gaza saying “This is not war. This is cruelty” during Christmas Message to the Roman Curia - FULL TEXT

#BreakingNews Death Toll from the Attack in Magdeburg Germany Rises as the Bishops Raise Prayers for the Victims