
Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video :Thursday, December 19, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - C

Quote to SHARE by St. Mother Teresa “We desire to be able to welcome Jesus at Christmas-time, not in a cold manger of our heart, but in a heart full of love..."

Powerful Novena Prayer to Prepare your Heart for Christmas! with Plenary Indulgence

Blessed Urban V was Pope During the Avignon Papacy who Stood for Purity and Died in France - Saint of Dec. 19

St. Winebald a Benedictine Abbot and Missionary who Died in 761 - Saint of Dec. 18

Wow After a Longer Wait the Miracle Liquefication of St. Januarius' Blood Occurs Again at the Cathedral - VIDEO San Gennaro Napoli

Pope Francis Brings 21 People Closer to Sainthood Including Granting France's Nuns Equipollent Canonization

LISTEN to a Soul Stirring "Rorate Caeli" of William Byrd Sung by Choir in an Empty Church for Advent!

BEST Way to Prepare for Christmas and New Year's is CONFESSION! Don't be Afraid - Here is an Easy Guide to Share!

Pope Francis says "Dear brothers and sisters, let us pray for peace. Let us not forget the people who suffer because of the war"