
St. Frumentius - Known as Abuna - a Bishop and Patron Saint of Ethiopia - Saint of October 27

Vatican Synod's Final Document - Pope Decides Against an Exhortation - 9 Keys to Understanding with a Summary and FULL TEXT Link

LA's Archbishop Gomez and New York's Cardinal Dolan's Friendly Baseball World Series Wager to Benefit Catholic Schools

Pope Francis' Final Synod Address "In our time marked by wars, we must be witnesses of peace, even by learning how to live out our differences in conviviality."

US Bishops' Conference Statement "Religious Freedom is a Basic Human Right"

Pope Francis says "Latin is a treasure trove of knowledge and thought, a key to accessing the classical texts that have shaped our world."

U.S. Bishops’ Anti-Poverty Program 5 Grant Recipients that Help Create Paths to Good Jobs and Stronger Communities

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Saturday, October 26, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - B

St. Evaristus a Pope from Palestine who Decreed Marriage Should be Public - Saint of October 26