
St. Ignatius of Antioch - Legend says he is the Child whom Jesus Took in His Arms! Patron Saint of Throat diseases - Saint of Oct. 17

Pope Francis Tells Theologians use "humble" - "words to help everyone approach compassion" - "that teach us to approach the threshold of the Divine Mystery."

Vatican Synod Update Reveals Discussions on the Digital World, Evangelization and Culture, and the Role of Bishops’ Conferences

Pope Francis says "I therefore invite you to be protectors of the lives of those who suffer" to Surgeons

Catholic Bishops of Scotland Urge Scottish Government to Respect Life of the Unborn

Pope Francis says Let "us pray for peace and fight for peace" and Explains that "the life given to us by the Holy Spirit is eternal life!"

Holy Mass Readings and Video : Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque a Nun whose Visions of the Heart of Jesus Led to the 1st Friday Devotion - Patron Saint of Polio and Loss of Parents - Saint of October 16

St. Gerard Majella Renowned for his Spiritual Gifts - Patron Saint of Childbirth, Pregnant, Mothers, Lay brothers, the Pro-Lifers - Saint of October 16

Novena to St. Hedwig - Short Prayer to Patron Saint of those with Money Problems, Brides, and Death of Children

St. Marguerite d'Youville a Widow of a Difficult Marriage who Founded the Sisters of Charity - Patron Saint of Difficult Marriages, Widows and Victims of Adultery - Saint of October 16