
St. Daniel Comboni - 1st Catholic Bishop of Central Africa - a Great Missionary and Founder of the Comboni Missionaries! Saint of October 10

Vatican Synod UPDATE Discussions on Deacons, Co-Responsibility of Parents, Women's Roles, and the Poor “the presence of the laity is indispensable"

LISTEN to a Beautiful Hymn Written by St Cardinal JH Newman "Lead Kindly Light" Sung by a Magnificent Choir - VIDEO

Pope Francis says "I urge you all to recite the Rosary every day....we entrust the suffering and the desire for peace...." FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Readings and Video : Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Vatican Synod Members Raise Over Sixty Thousand in Funds for Gaza's Catholic Church - Day 6 Synod Briefing

St. John Leonardi who Founded the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Patron Saint of Pharmacists - Saint of October 9

St. Denis who Preached after his Head was Removed! Patron Saint of Headaches, Rabies, and Possessed People with Novena Prayer

St John Henry Newman a Convert from Anglicanism - whose Motto was Cor ad cor loquitur - Patron Saint of Poets - Saint of October 9

Wow Thousands on the Streets in the US and Canada at Annual Life Chains for the Pro-Life Cause - #LifeChain

Vatican Synod at Briefing says "The Church must build bridges and be a bridge itself."