
St. Peter Claver who Baptized Over 300,000 People! Miracle Worker Patron Saint of Racism, Slaves and African Americans - Saint of Sept. 9

Pope Francis says "find in the Eucharist a bond that strengthens the vigor of the Church itself...among its members and with God..." to the Quito Eucharistic Congress - FULL TEXT

LISTEN to the Magnificent AVE MARIA of Biebel Sung by Acapella Choir VOCES 8 in an Empty Church will Touch your Soul!

Pope Francis Tells Catholics "Jesus taught us" - “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” FULL TEXT

It's Never to Late to PRAY - Official NOVENA for the Birth of Mary, Blessed Virgin with Plenary Indulgence - Powerful Prayers to Share!

Pope Francis Prays "Queen of Peace, help us be converted to God’s plans, which are plans of peace and justice for the great human family!"

Quote to SHARE by St. Mother Teresa “Mary, Mother of Jesus, give me your heart, so beautiful, so pure, so Immaculate, so full of love and humility that I may be able to receive Jesus in the Bread of Life..."