
St. Helena, Mother of Constantine, Discovered the Cross of Jesus! Patron Saint of Converts, and Divorced with Prayer - Saint of August 18

WATCH a Free Movie - Esther - a Drama on the Life Queen Esther from the Bible

LISTEN to a Touching Marian Hymn by Grammy Nominated Catholic Musician Sarah Hart!

St. Joan of the Cross was a Former Business Woman who Became a Nun and Foundress of a Congregation! Saint August of 17

RIP Sister Agnes Sasagawa - Death of the Akita Visionary who Revealed Our Lady's Warning to the World!

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Saturday, August 17, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - B

St. Hyacinth a Dominican Priest Known for Miracles and Patron Saint of Pierogies! Saint of August 17