
St. Ignatius of Loyola a Convert Soldier who became a Priest then Founded the Society of Jesus or Jesuits! Patron Saint of Soldiers - Saint of July 31

Catholic Bishops of Venezuela Call for Peace and "a process of verification of the ballot results" Following Election Protests

Catholic Chaldean Patriarch Cardinal Sako Denounces Insult to Christianity at the Paris Olympics- FULL TEXT

Vatican Releases that its Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See Reported a Profit of 45.9 Million Euros

Pope Francis Tells 50,000 Youth at Mass Receiving Holy Communion “we experience that Jesus is ‘with us’ with an “act of love, which is the Eucharist”

Wow LISTEN to a Breathtaking Hymn "Bring us O Lord God" Sung by the Voces 8 Choir in an Empty Church

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Tuesday July 30, 2024 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint July 30 : Blessed Solanus Casey a Famous Franciscan Capuchin Priest who was not Permitted to Preach nor Hear Confessions! Biography