
Saint June 28 : St. Irenaeus of Lyons : Bishop and Doctor of the Catholic Church who Helped Define the 4 Gospels as Canon of Scripture

Pope Francis says "You are evangelizers, sharers in the Church’s mission and channels of the love of Jesus....There is urgent need for a ceasefire..." FULL TEXT

Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund Announces $100 Million in Grants Investments

Pope Francis says "Jesus’ heart eternally beats with love for us, and its beating can join with ours in restoring our calm, harmony, energy, unity, especially in times of difficulty. "

Another Catholic Priest is Kidnapped - Please Pray for Father Mikah Suleiman

Pope Francis says "The lay faithful announces the good news, fundamentally trusting in the ecclesial and supernatural dimension of their mission..." to Latin American Church

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Powerful Prayers + Litany to Share!

Saint June 27 : St. Cyril of Alexandria a Famous Doctor of the Church who Fought Our Lady's Title of Theotokos and Died in 444 AD

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Thursday, June 27, 2024 - #Eucharist - Virtual Catholic Church