
Saint June 17 : St. Albert Chmielowski, a Painter, who Served God with Art! Founder of the 3rd Order of St. Francis, Servants of the Poor

Ever Feel Tempted? Here's a Short Prayer Against Temptation and a Prayer for Purity from a Saint to Help You!

WATCH a Free Christian Movie : "Joseph of Nazareth" - #StJoseph - Stars Tobias Moretti

Wow LISTEN to this Beautiful Hymn that Honors God the Father! "O God Almighty Father, Creator of all things" it will Touch Your Heart!

Pope Francis says "...the Lord gives us an example: He teaches us too to sow the Gospel confidently wherever we are, and then to wait...without becoming discouraged..."

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Sunday, June 16, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - B