
Saint April 23 : St. Adalbert of Prague an Archbishop who withdrew to a Monastery - a Martyr and Patron Saint of Poland and Bohemia

#BreakingNews Candace Owens Announces that She's become a Catholic!

Pope Francis to Meet with 6,000 Grandparents, Elderly, and Grandchildren in Special Event at the Vatican

Carmelite Nuns in Arlington, Texas, Reject the Vatican's Decree and Bishop Olson's Authority - the Diocese Asks for Prayer

Pope Francis' Earth Day Message ""Our generation has bequeathed many riches, but we have failed to protect the planet and we are not safeguarding peace..."

Wow the Pope Approved Miracle that Paved the Way for the Canonization of Saintly Elena Guerra - Known as an Apostle of the Holy Spirit!

NOVENA to St. Joseph Begins! - Powerful Prayers to SAINT JOSEPH - Patron Saint of Fathers, Family, Work, the Church and More to SHARE

Saint April 22 : St. Pope Soter and St. Pope Caius : Popes from Early Church History - Known for Charity

Catholic Catechist is Kidnapped and Killed in Burkina Faso, Africa, RIP Edouard Yougbare

Pope Francis says "War does this: it makes children lose their smiles. Work so that they regain the ability to smile!"

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday, April 22, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - B