
Saint February 15 : St. Claude de la Colombiere a Jesuit Missionary Preacher - Patron Saint of Toy makers, Turners

Mission Societies Director - Msgr Kieran Harrington Resigns after Admitting to Breaking his "promise of celibacy"

Over 100 Monasteries in Spain to Open their Doors to the Public in Lent to "Slow down. Stop. Pray."

5 Easy Ways to Observe Lent after Ash Wednesday - Types of Fasting for the 40 days of Lent!

Pope Francis says "Let us return to God with all our heart. During these weeks of Lent, let us make space for the prayer of silent adoration..." FULL TEXT Ash Wednesday Mass Homily

Top 10 Quotes to Inspire You in the Season of Lent to SHARE "Lent is a season of intense prayer, fasting and concern..."

LISTEN to a Hauntingly Beautiful "Emendemus in melius" or "Let us atone" by William Byrd for Lent

Pope Francis says "Lent begins today...Let us pray for these brothers and sisters who suffer because of war...intensifying prayer, above all to ask for peace in the world." FULL TEXT

Powerful Prayers to St. Valentine the Patron Saint of Love, Marriage and Fiancées with Novena Prayer to Share!

Saint February 14 : St. Cyril and St. Methodius the Patrons of Ecumenism, Unity of Eastern and Western Churches

Top 30 Catholic Love Quotes to SHARE - Amazing #Quotes from Saints on Love and Life!