The Vatican issued a decree to suppress the Carmelite Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity in Arlington, Texas, This is the result of a lengthy feud which started with an investigation into allegations, that the prioress had violated her vow of chastity, by the diocese. Bishop Michael Olson, head of the Diocese of Fort Worth announced on Monday that he received a decree of suppression from the Holy See.
SEE ALSO : #BreakingNews Nuns in Arlington, Texas, Dismissed from Religious Life https://www.catholicnewsworld.com/2024/10/breakingnews-nuns-in-arlington-texas.html

DECEMBER 2, 2024
I write to you to inform you that I have been notified that the Dicastery for Institutes of
Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life of the Holy See on November 28, 2024,
promulgated a decree suppressing the Carmelite Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity in
Arlington, Texas. A copy of this decree, along with a letter addressed to me by the Dicastery, is
posted on our diocesan website. Please read them both.
I wish to repeat that since this sad series of events began to unfold in April 2023 when the
former prioress self-reported to me her grave failure against the vow of chastity with a priest, I
was obliged to begin the search, in accord with Canon Law, for both justice and mercy for all
involved. Her admission was recorded and entered into the public record at a civil court hearing
brought about because of the former prioress’ first civil lawsuit filed against me and the Diocese.
Throughout this process, the former nuns have been treated with respect by my office and by
their legitimate religious superior, the Reverend Mother Marie of the Incarnation, O.C.D. Our
response to their disobedient actions and calumny has consistently been guided by charity,
patience, and has been in accord with the instructions of the Holy See. Now, as always, I wish
them grace and peace in Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
It is important for the faithful to remember the following points:
First, the women who continue to occupy the premises in Arlington are no longer nuns
because they have been declared ipso facto dismissed from the Order of Discalced Carmelites for
reasons of their notorious defection from the Catholic faith. They are neither nuns nor Carmelites
despite their continued and public self-identification to the contrary.
Second, the Holy See has suppressed the Monastery, so it exists no longer, despite any
public self-identification made to the contrary by the former nuns who continue to occupy the
Third, the Diocese of Fort Worth has never made any claims to the property of the former
Monastery, nor do we do so now.
Fourth, I repeat that any Masses and sacraments celebrated at the former Monastery are
illicit and done so by priests without faculties or permission to minister in the Diocese of Fort
Worth. It is gravely wrong for Catholics knowingly to assist at these Masses. Catholics do harm
to the Communion of the Catholic Church by intentionally attending these ceremonies.
Finally, I wish to again acknowledge the great sadness that this entire affair has brought
to our local church and beyond, and to me personally. The actions of the former nuns have
perpetrated a deep wound in the Body of Christ. I ask all of you to join me in praying for healing,
reconciliation, and for the conversion of these women who have departed from the vowed
religious life and notoriously defected from communion with the Catholic Church by their
actions. With prayers for the former nuns and for all harmed by these events, I remain,
Sincerely yours in Christ,
The Most Reverend Michael F. Olson, S.T.D., M.A.
Bishop of Fort Worth