2 Powerful Prayers to Saint Nicholas with Novena + Chaplet or Caminata de los Tres Lunes - Traditional #StNicholas Prayers to Share!


Saint Nicholas is the Real Santa Claus! His feast day is December 6th. He is the Patron Saint of: Children, sailors, fishermen, merchants, the falsely accused, pawnbrokers, prostitutes, repentant thieves, and many cities...
Below are some powerful prayers to Saint Nicholas with Novena + Chaplet - Caminata de los Tres Lunes - Traditional St Nicholas Prayers to Share!
They can be said at any time during the year.

Novena to St. Nicholas (a Novena is usually said for 9 days)

St. Nicholas, Glorious Confessor of Christ, assist us in thy loving kindness. Glorious St. Nicholas, my special Patron from thy throne in glory, thou dost enjoy the presence of God, turn thine eyes in pity upon me and attain for me from our Lord the graces and help that I need in my spiritual and temporal necessities (and especially this favor ______________________________________ provided that it be profitable to my salvation). Be mindful likewise, O Glorious and Saintly Bishop, of our Sovereign Pontiff of our Holy Church and of all Christian people. Bring back to the right way of salvation all those who are living steeped in sin, blinded by darkness of ignorance, error and heresy. Comfort the afflicted, provide the needy. Strengthen the fearful, defend the oppressed, give health to the infirm. Cause all [people] to experience the effects of thy powerful intercession with the supreme giver of every good and perfect gift. Amen.
 Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be to the Father. 
 Pray for us, Oh Blessed Nicholas, that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us Pray, O God who has glorified Blessed St. Nicholas, thine illustrious Confessor and Bishop, by means of countless signs and wonder, and who does not cease daily so to glorify him , grant we beseech thee, that we, being assisted by his merits and prayers, be delivered from the fires of hell and from all dangers through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Other Prayers:

Chaplet of Saint Nicholas 

• Gracious God, On the cross, 
hear my prayers for mercy,
and by the help of Saint Nicholas
keep me safe from all danger,
and guide me on the way of salvation.

 Grant this through our Lord Jeus Christ,
your Son, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.
• Offer petitions on the first bead of the first triad,
continuing on the three beads
  Holy Nicholas, hear me,
• Holy Nicholas, hear me,
• Holy Nicholas, hear me.
• Offer petitions on the first bead of the second triad, continuing on the three beads
  Holy Nicholas, guide me,
• Holy Nicholas, guide me,
• Holy Nicholas, guide me.
• Offer petitions on the first bead of the third triad, continuing on the three beads
Holy Nicholas, help me,
• Holy Nicholas, help me,
• Holy Nicholas, help me.
On the medal, pray
• Glorious Holy Nicholas,
humble and virtuous Archbishop of Myra,
it is true that you hear those who come to you
in their trials and tribulations.
I trust in you, I hope in you,
and I ask you to intercede with our holy God
so that I may receive grace
in the things for which I have sought.
Be my guide, be my defense, cleanse my soul. Amen.
Caminata de los Tres Lunes (Spanish)
(Mondays one walks to a Saint Nicholas statue dedicated to Nicholas)
I know you will not betray my trust, 
Full of sweet hope I come to you today, my Holy One,
for I am confident that in your goodness
I will be blessed.
my desperate cries will be heard
and my troubled spirit will be calmed.
Psalm and Scripture Reading
FIRST MONDAY Psalm 60, Romans 12.1–2
SECOND MONDAY Psalm 30, James 2.14–17
THIRD MONDAY Psalm 24, Matthew 22.36–40
Holy Father Nicholas, through the precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ
that was spilled on the way of bitterness, for the crown of thorns that they put on his holy head, for the slap across his holy face, for the spear thrust into his holy side,
O Divine Love! for the lashings he endured, for the pain his Holy Mother felt
as she watched him walk the way of affliction, when she saw him fall,
the cross heavy with the weight of our sins; for all he suffered during his holy Passion
and for all the blood that was spilled, I beg you, holy Father Nicholas,
that you would know my needs and my distress
and that you would provide answers to my fervent prayers.
First Monday
Offer petitions, closing with:
Holy Father Nicholas, hear me,
Holy Father Nicholas, hear me,
Holy Father Nicholas, hear me.
Second Monday
Offer petitions, closing with:
Holy Father Nicholas, guide me,
Holy Father Nicholas, guide me,
Holy Father Nicholas, guide me.
Third Monday
Offer petitions, closing with:
Holy Father Nicholas, receive my petition,
Holy Father Nicholas, receive my petition,
Holy Father Nicholas, receive my petition.
The Our Father
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,
your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
[For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.]
Glorious Holy Nicholas,
humble and virtuous Archbishop Of Myra,
it is true that you hear those who come to you
in their trials and tribulations. I trust in you,
I hope in you, and I ask you to intercede with our holy God
so that I may receive grace
in the things for which I have sought.
Be my guide, be my defense, cleanse my soul. Amen.
From this perilous sea, O Holy Father Nicholas,
Lead us to the safe port
Of our heavenly home. 
From the struggles of this life
And fatal storms, Save us by your favor
And singular virtue. 
You always come to help
Everyone who cries to you— The sick, sailors,
Rich or poor—all who call upon you.
By your holiness - And powerful intercession,
Keep us on the way - To our heavenly home.
To those who faithfully - Carried your tradition,
They've earned the glory and love of us all. Amen.
We beseech you, O Lord, and plead for your mercy,
by the intercession of Holy Bishop Nicholas,
who protects us from all dangers, show us the way of salvation.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
