SAINTS of OCTOBER - List of Saint Feast Days for the Month of October - Inspirational Saint Stories to SHARE!


Here is a list of inspiring Saint stories for the month of October. Click each link to find out more about these Holy Heroes of the Faith !
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Saint October 1 : St. Therese of Lisieux, Little Flower, the Patron of AIDS, Illness, and Missionaries - Famous for Sending Roses from Heaven!
Saint October 2 : Guardian Angels Feast - Every human has their very own Guardian Angel and Today is their Day!
Saint October 3 : St. Mother Theodore Guérin the Founder of the Sisters of Providence
Saint October 3 : St. Gerard of Brogne, in Belgium, who restored the Order of St. Benedict
Saint October 4 : St. Francis of Assisi the Patron of Animals, Ecology, Environment, and Peace - Founder of the Franciscans
Saint October 5 : St. Faustina Kowalska the Apostle of Divine Mercy and Patron of World Youth Day
Saint October 5 : Blessed Bartolo Longo a Former Satanist who became an Apostle of the Rosary
Saint October 6 : St. Bruno the Founder of the Carthusians and Patron of Possessed People
Saint October 7 : Our Lady of the Rosary who helped defeat an army at the Battle of Lepanto
Saint October 8 : St. Pelagia a Virgin who Died in 311 at the age of 15 while Trying to Escape from Soldiers
Saint October 8 : Our Lady of Good Remedy who Help Provide Money to Free Enslaved Christians and Patroness of Money Problems - with Novena Prayer
Saint October 9 : St. Denis the Patron of Headaches, Rabies, and Possessed People with Novena Prayer
Saint October 9 : St. John Leonardi who formed the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Patron of Pharmacists
Saint October 10 : St. Francis Borgia a Jesuit and Patron of Earthquakes and Portugal

Saint October 10 : St. Daniel Comboni - 1st Catholic Bishop of Central Africa - a Great Missionary and Founder of the Comboni Missionaries
Saint October 11 : Saint John XXIII the Pope who started Vatican Council II and Patron of Christian UnitySaint October 11 : Saint María Soledad Torres Acosta the Foundress and Mother of the Servants of Mary
Saint October 12 : St. Wilfrid, a Bishop Confessor and the Patron of England - A great defender of the rights of the Holy See
Saint October 12 : Blessed Carlo Acutis - Millennial Gamer Teen who said the Eucharist was his Highway to Heaven! Patron of Internet, Gamers, Youth
October 13 : Anniversary of Fatima Miracle of the Sun - #Fatima Witnessed by 70,000 in 1917- True Story to Share!
Saint October 13 : St. Edward the Confessor a King of England and the Patron of Difficult Marriages
Saint October 13 : Blessed Maddalena Panattieri, O.P. who spent mornings in Eucharistic Adoration and afternoons Helping the Sick and Poor
Saint October 14 : St. Callistus I - a Pope who Taught that Repentant Serious Sinners Could Return to Communion the Patron of Cemetery Workers
Saint October 15 : St. Teresa of Avila - a Carmelite and the Patron of loss of Parents, Religious, Sickness and Spain
Saint October 16 : St. Gerard Majella - Patron of Childbirth, Children, Pregnant women, Mothers, Lay brothers, the Pro-Life movement, and Unborn
Saint October 16 : St. Hedwig - a Duchess and Patron of Brides, Death of Children and Germany
Saint October 16 : St. Margaret Mary Alacoque - an Apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Patron of Polio and Loss of Parents
Saint October 16 : St. Marguerite d'Youville the Patron of difficult Marriages, Widows and Victims of Adultery
Saint October 17 : St. Ignatius of Antioch - a Bishop and Martyr who is the Patron of Throat diseases
Saint October 18 : St. Luke - a Physician and Evangelist and Patron of Artists, Physicians - who Painted Our Lady
Saint October 19 : Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko - Polish Priest and Martyr during the Communist Time
Saint October 19 : North American Martyrs : St. John Brebeuf and Companions who Preached the Gospel to Natives - (USA)
Saint October 19 : St. Peter Alcantara - a Franciscan who Founded 1st Convent of the "Strict Observance"
Saint October 20 : St. Paul of the Cross - the Founder of the Passionists, who called the Crucifix his Book during his Youth
Saint October 21 : St. Ursula and Companions - who with 11,000 Virgins were Martyred by the Huns for their Faith
Saint October 21 : St. Hilarion of Gaza, Palestine - an Abbot, who lived in the Desert, and Friend of St. Anthony
Saint October 21 : Blessed Charles I of Austria : Emperor and King who Developed a Deep Devotion to the Holy Eucharist and to the Sacred Heart of JesusSaint October 22 : St. Pope John Paul II - Born as Karol Jozef Wojtyla the 1st non-Italian Pope in 400 years - #JPII
Saint October 23 : St. John of Capistrano - a Papal Legate and Patron of Judges who Died in 1456 in modern Croatia
Saint October 24 : St. Anthony Mary Claret - Founder of the Claretians and Patron of Weavers, Savings, and Publishers
Saint October 25 : St. Gaudentius of Brescia, Italy : a Bishop who said "Let the word of God, and the sign of Jesus Christ (the cross) be in your hearts, in your mouths, on your countenance..."
Saint October 25 : St. Boniface I : Pope
Saint October 25 : St. Crispin and St. Crispianus who were Brothers and Martyrs - the Patrons of Shoemakers
Saint October 25 : St. Antônio de Sant’Anna Galvão (1739-1822) a Franciscan Friar and Founder
Saint October 25 : Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Palestine Patroness of he Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre with Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land
Saint October 26 : St. Evaristus a Pope who Died 107
Saint October 27 : St. Frumentius - Known as Abuna - a Bishop and the Patron of Ethiopia
Saint October 28 : St. Simon the Apostle - Known as the Zealot and Patron of Curriers and Sawyers
Saint October 28 : St. Jude Apostle the Patron of the Impossible and Hospitals
Saint October 29 : Blessed Chiara Badano of the Focolare
Saint October 29 : St. Narcissus of Jerusalem a Bishop who Blessed Miraculous Oil and Died 215 AD
Saint October 30 : St. Alphonsus Rodriguez a Jesuit Confessor and Lay-Brother who Died in 1617
Saint October 31 : St. Wolfgang a Bishop and Patron of Apoplexy, Carpenters, and Strokes
