Powerful Prayer to St. Anthony Mary Claret with Apostolic Prayer - Paton Saint of Savings, Weavers, and Claretian Missionaries


An archbishop in Cuba and founder of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who lived in the 1800s. Patron Saint of: Textile Merchants, Weavers, Savings (taught the poor the importance of savings), Catholic press, Claretians Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Below are 2 prayers to choose from: 
Apostolic Prayer of St. Anthony Mary Claret 
O my God and Father, Grant that I may know You and make You known, that I love You and bring others to love You, that I serve You and inspire others to serve You, that I praise You and work that all Your creatures praise You. Grant, my Father, that all sinners be converted, that all the just persevere in grace and all of us reach eternal glory. Amen.
Powerful Prayer to St. Anthony that can also be said as a Novena if repeated for 9 days:
St Anthony, during your life on earth you comforted the afflicted and showed tender love and compassion to the sick and sinful. Intercede for me now, that you may rejoice in the reward of your virtues in heavenly glory. Look with pity on me and seek for me this favour…
St Anthony Mary Claret (continues below the video)

(Share your request…) but only if it be for the greater glory of God and the good of my soul. St Anthony, make my troubles your own. Speak a word for me to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Ask her to obtain for me, through her powerful intercession, the graces I yearn for so ardently: a blessing to strengthen me during life, and Her assistance at the hour of my death leading me to a happy eternity. Amen. … 
St Anthony Mary Claret: Pray for Us …
Say 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory be each day of the 9 days.
