Pope Francis at Mass for Vatican Police Gives Example of Archangel Michael "We all have an angel beside us who never leaves us alone and helps us"

Vatican Basilica, Altar of the Chair
Saturday, 5 October 2024
Pope Francis presides at Mass on the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, the patron saint of the Vatican Gendarmerie Corps (police force). The Vatican Gendarmerie Corps follows in the footsteps of Saint Michael, "like angels who guard and are in service," said Pope Francis. In his homily at Mass on Saturday, Oct. 5th evening, the Pope commended the work of the Vatican police force for the annual celebration near the feast of their patron saint, Michael the Archangel, which occurred on September 29. Inclement weather forced the liturgy to be moved from the traditional location, the Grotta di Lourdes in the Vatican Gardens, to the Altar of the Chair in St. Peter's Basilica.
FULL TEXT Homily of Pope Francis: The struggle is a daily reality in Christian life: in our hearts, in our lives, in our families, in our people, in our Church. If we do not struggle, we will be defeated.
The Lord has entrusted this office mainly to the angels: to fight and win. The devil always tries to destroy man, he presents things as if they were good, but his intention is to destroy. Fortunately, we are certain that we are not alone in this struggle, because the Lord has entrusted the archangels with the task of defending man. And the angels defend us. We all have an angel beside us who never leaves us alone and helps us not to go the wrong way. This is precisely the role of the angels. And you too, following the example of Saint Michael the Archangel, are like angels, who guard and are at the service.
Yours is a job, a precious job, but above all an invaluable service to the Church, for which I wish to thank you: thank you, thank you so much. Every day you welcome numerous people and pilgrims to the Vatican and in the extraterritorial areas; very often you are the first and also the only face they encounter. For this reason, I ask God to always give you the grace to be the reflection of God's tenderness.
In the light of the Word of this Sunday, I also want to address your families. Thank you for your patience. The work of the Gendarmes and the Firefighters is not possible without the patience and understanding of their respective families, to whom I wish to apologize for all the hours in which your husbands, your fathers, your sons or brothers are not present at home because they are on duty. Really, I am sorry. I know it is not easy and for this reason I entrust your families and all your loved ones to the protection of the Virgin, Queen of families, and to Saint Michael the Archangel, so that man does not divide what God has united.
And on this we have seen that today's Readings are Readings of unity: the first Reading from Genesis, when God creates man and woman, is in unity; and the Gospel calls us to unity, not to division. Please remember that unity is superior to conflict, always. Unity is superior to conflict. Thank you for your service, because you seek unity. And may God, the Lord, give you wisdom and patience. And also, please, do not lose your sense of humor. Thank you.
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