Our Lady, Queen of Palestine, Patroness of he Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre with Prayer for Peace - Feast October 25


Mary Queen of Palestine (Deir Rafat) - 
The Feast of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Palestine, is celebrated in all the Lieutenancies of the Equestrian Order around 25 October – the exact date of the Feast according to the liturgical calendar.
It was Patriarch Luigi Barlassina (1920-1947), on the occasion of his solemn entry into the Cathedral Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre on 15 July 1920, and the consecration of the diocese to Mary, who invoked the title of “Queen of Palestine” for the first time.

The special relationship of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Palestine with the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre dates back to the pontificate of John Paul II. In 1983, 50 years after the institution of the Feast, Saint John Paul II – addressing the Knights and Dames of the Lieutenancies of Northern and Central Italy – urged them to be witnesses of Christ in everyday life and to continue the work of the Order in the Holy Land under the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Ten years later, in 1993, the then Grand Master of the Order, Cardinal Giuseppe Caprio, asked Saint John Paul II to declare of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Palestine, Patroness of the Order. The Holy Father replied on 21 January 1994 by a decree granting the request.
Riga divisoria croce con linea

Our Lady, Queen of Palestine, extend your hand over the Holy Land and over all who live there:
Jews, Muslims, Druze and Christians, Palestinians, Israelis, migrant workers and refugees.
Our Lady, intercede for us all and especially for the Church, the Body of your Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord.
We have been sent to preach Good News to all in the land that is yours and His, the land of the patriarchs, kings, prophets, apostles and of the first community formed to walk in the way of your Son, the Mother Church of Jerusalem.
This mission needs the courage and the perseverance, the wisdom and the faith that were yours, pray for us.
On your knees He, who was your Lord and Master, learnt to speak and to pray, to act and to obey.
We ask you to teach us to speak and to pray, to act and to obey today in the land called to be holy.
In the midst of war and hatred, walls, occupation and discrimination, fear and rejection, instruct us how to be instruments of justice and peace, pardon and reconciliation.
We affirm with you that he is our peace.
Show us the way to incarnate in our life as Church both fidelity to your Son and an embracing love for all in this land, especially for those who are the poorest and the most excluded, the homeless, the refugees, the prisoners, those who are maltreated, oppressed and are victims of injustice.
Our Lady, Queen of Palestine, you are our mother, given to us by your Son on the Cross.
With you, we are called to be witnesses to the Resurrection that already heralds His Kingdom.
Modeling ourselves on you, we ask Him to anoint us as Spirit filled proclaimers of the Good News that He has vanquished death by His death on the Cross and has given life to those in the tombs.
May we, members of His Body the Church, be living signs that point to the Kingdom that is already among us.
Mother Mary, Queen of Palestine, pray for us.
Father David Neuhaus, sj

Source: http://www.oessh.va/content/ordineequestresantosepolcro/en/gran-magistero/le-feste-dell-ordine/beata-vergine-maria-regina-di-palestina.html
