JOIN for Free Virtually or In-Person the 32nd Annual International Week of Prayer and Fasting!

 The 32nd annual International Week of Prayer and Fasting (IWOPF) with the theme “Conquering the Darkness: Triumph of Mercy, Hope, and Healing” will start on Saturday, Oct. 12. Catholics globally are joining the conference at St. Mary of Sorrows Church in Fairfax, Virginia, with a three-day virtual speaker series. The on-line access is Free for anyone. The relics of St. Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) and Blessed Carlo Acutis will also be displayed for veneration on Oct. 12. This year's speakers include Bishop Robert Baker, Jim Wahlberg, Exorcist Fr. Dan Reehil, and Sister Deidre Byrne.
The movement has received apostolic blessings from St. John Paul II and from Pope Francis, and support from St. Teresa of Calcutta (SEE More below the Video)
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On their Website they write: In the past several years, we have been able to see the signs of the times all around us. We seem to be in a period of outbreaks of disease, disasters, global economic collapse, and rapid moral decline. The course of human events can only be changed by the power of prayer and fasting.Wars are spreading throughout the world. The Mideast region continues to have civil unrest, causing the greatest threat of war since World War II.
-Outbreaks of epidemics, strange diseases and plagues continue to occur.
-Legalized murder in this country (the killing of the innocent) continues to destroy more people annually than deaths from all of the U. S. wars combined, since the Revolutionary War.
-Earthquakes and volcanic activity are increasing greatly throughout the world- breaking records.
-Devastation is increasing from tsunamis, fires, floods, mudslides and other natural disasters.
-The unusual weather changes continue to break all records – and future weather seasons are expected to be more unpredictable.
-The souls of our families continue to be at great risk as many people are being corrupted by today’s media, TV, movies and music.
-Sins of impurity and moral perversion have become ever more widespread and immorality has spread like an epidemic.
-Our country’s economic and financial demise is being hastened.
Our Lady's Words
-Fasting stops wars.
-Fasting can suspend the laws of nature.
-Fasting, to be powerful, must be done with the heart.
-By giving our fasting to Our Lady, it “forces” satan not to be able to seduce us to evil and drive him away.
-Fasting purifies our hearts from the sins of our past. (Through confession, sins of the past are forgiven but healing from life-long vice or memories which satan uses against us to lead us back into sin, requires purification).
-Fasting sanctifies you to receive the Holy Spirit.
-Satan is enraged against those who fast and convert.
-To obtain a grace from God it is best you let no one know you are fasting
What is the IWOPF?
The International Week of Prayer and Fasting campaign is a grassroots movement that gathers Catholics and other Christians from around the world to participate in a global network of prayer and fasting.
Our goal is to mobilize churches, communities, schools, prayer groups, and clergy to pray and fast:For peace and to implore God’s mercy
-For the conversion of all people and nations
-To build a culture of life
-To defend the sanctity of marriage and family life
-For all priests, vocations, and holiness of the members of the Church
An Annual Mission
The International Week of Prayer and Fasting is in its 32nd year, and we gather together people of all ages, backgrounds, and races. From October 12th – October 20th, 2024, we unite to pray for a peace in the world, for the conversion of all people and nations, and to build a culture of life, and for a newfound appreciation for basic human rights throughout the world.
By invoking the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother, the Queen of Peace, she will lead us in battle, and together we will play a crucial role in the conversion of nations and changing the course of world events. We unite to participate in and promote Holy Mass, the Holy Rosary, Adoration, Fasting, Confession, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Why Pledge to Pray, Fast & Adore?
We encourage everyone to make a specific Pledge and not just to plan on saying some prayers. Why? Have a look…The more specific and methodical a plan is the more likely it will be completed and fruitful. All of us have good intentions, but the difference between intentions and actions is the decision of a specific course of action and choice of following it out. The Pledge is designed to make it simple for you to have a clear plan.
Another great benefit of the Pledge is that it will help you remember to perform the prayer or work that you have committed to do. This is very important! Many of us have had good intentions but have not followed through on them, and not because we chose not to, but because just plain forgot. The Pledge form commitment will help you to keep your plan in your mind because you know that you have made a promise.
Making a Pledge also helps to keep you strong in the midst of difficulty. If no one knows what I have committed to and I don’t feel like doing it anymore it’s much easier to just abandon it than if I have expressed my commitment to someone else.
Finally, if you fill out the Pledge form prayerfully (as we hope you will) you will actually obtain God’s grace to help you to fulfill the commitment you’ve made. This is the most important aspect of preparing for any good work we want to do. We should always ask our Lord to give us the light and the strength to perform the work according to His good will and for His greater glory.
May God bless you and your loved ones for your prayers and sacrifices.
