Catholic Maronite Priest, Father Andrawos El Tabchi, Pastor of Philadelphia's Saint Maron Church was Attacked

A Catholic Maronite priest,  Father Andrawos El Tabchi,  pastor of Saint Maron Maronite Catholic Church in Philadelphia was attacked on October 2nd,  2024. The attacker,  Basem Lama,  age 59, entered the rectory,  located across the street from his Church. 

Police reported that the suspect approached the priest’s home just before 9:30 am,  and began kicking and banging on the door before entering.  Inside the rectory,  the man physically attacked Father El-Tabchi before escaping. 

SEE 2:41 Mark on the Video below:

Local media showed the priest using a cane to help him in walking after the incident.  The incident is under investigation,  and the police arrested and charged Lama with aggravated assault,  burglary,  terroristic threats and related offenses. 

Father El-Tabchi wrote an October 5th letter to parishioners after the attack. 

The priest writes; “The morning the rectory was attacked was a turning point for me,  one that forced me to reflect deeply on life,  faith and the forces of evil.  The experience reminded me how short life is and how evil can be lurking just around the corner,  ready to strike at any time. ”

Yet “the attack only strengthened my resolve to protect the parish and to stand up for the safety of each and every one of my parishioners, ” the priest  said.  “This is my duty,  and I will not waver in defending the sacred space that we all cherish. ”

Father El-Tabchi noted to Jesus' parable of the faithful servant in Matthew 24, saying,  “as priests,  we are called to be that faithful and wise servant,  always vigilant,  ready to protect and serve the people of God. "

“The attack on the rectory brought this to life for me,  as I felt the weight of my responsibility to care for this parish family, ” he said.  “Just as the servant must remain watchful and diligent,  we too must remain steadfast in our duty,  guarding the faith and the souls entrusted to us. ”

He also quoted Saint Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians,  in which the apostle warned that “the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. ”

“We do not know when challenges will arise,  but as children of the light,  we must always be prepared, ” said Father El-Tabchi.  He spoke of Saint Paul’s call for faithful to “put on the breastplate of faith and love,  and for a helmet the hope of salvation. ” “This is the armor we must wear as we face evil and hardship, ” said Father El-Tabchi.  “With faith and love as our protection and hope as our guide,  we are strengthened to carry out our mission as faithful servants. ” Nevertheless,  the priest explained,  “this doesn’t mean only standing firm in the face of evil but also showing mercy and compassion in response to wrongdoing. ”

Many have asked me: ‘You are a priest,  how can you press charges on the man who broke into the house and assaulted you? '” said Father El-Tabchi.  “My response is grounded in the truth that God is both merciful and just.  His mercy extends to all,  offering forgiveness and compassion to those who seek it,  while His justice ensures that truth and righteousness prevail.  These two qualities work in harmony,  reminding us that through His love,  we are called to repentance,  reconciliation and trust in His perfect judgment. ”

He noted that “mercy without justice is dead,  and justice without mercy is ruthless. ”

Source: The Catholic Review 
