Catholic Bishops of Scotland Urge Scottish Government to Respect Life of the Unborn

Bishops’ Conference of Scotland: Human Life must be Respected and Protected from Conception

The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland has urged the Scottish Government to respect the right to life of the unborn child in a submission to the Scottish Government’s Abortion Law Review Expert Working Group. 

The working group has been set up by the Scottish Government to review the current law on abortion and to provide Scottish ministers with recommendations on whether or not aspects of the existing law should be changed. 

The bishops’ submission, which you can read in full, below, continues to affirm the right to life of every human person from conception. It argues that we have a “collective duty” to “uphold the right to life and to ensure that both mother and child are accepted and loved by a caring, compassionate society.”

The bishops also lament the prevailing anti-life culture which “declares it acceptable to destroy innocent human life in the womb” and says say that it “does not belong to public authorities to recognise the right to life for some, but not for others.” 

The bishops, who have also brought into question the legitimacy of the working group which is composed substantially of pro-abortion supporters and has no prolife members, and which has already enshrined a ‘non-regression principle’ to ensure no progress will be countenanced on prolife matters, no matter what evidence comes forward.
See the Full submission of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland:
