Blessed María Teresa Ferragud Roig de Masiá, and her 4 Daughters - A Family Martyred together in Spain - Saint of October 25


 A Mother, Blessed María Teresa Ferragud Roig de Masiá, and her 4 daughters: Blessed María Jesus, Blessed María Felicidad, Blessed María Veronica and Blessed Josefa Masiá Ferragud Martyred together in the Spanish Civil War 25 October 1936 in Cruz Cubierta, Alzira, Valencia, Spain.
Maria Teresa went to Mass every day and was very devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She promoted charitable works especially through the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. Her daughters were all nuns belonging to convents. 
Covered cross, place of martyrdom of Maria Teresa Ferragud and her four daughters on October 25, 1936. María Teresa Ferragud and her husband Vicente Masiá had nine children. In addition to the four martyred sisters, two other sons also professed as Capuchin religious. After the military uprising in July 1936, the four religious sisters, the three Capuchin Poor Clares from the Agullent convent, and their sister Josefa, an Augustinian nun from the Benigánim convent, took refuge in their parents' home. On the afternoon of October 19, they were detained by the Algemesí militia committee and taken to jail. María Teresa was 83 years old when on October 25, 1936, the feast of Christ the King , she learned that they were going to the sacra to sacrifice them, and she asked to accompany her four religious daughters to the torture. The mother " wanted to follow them so as not to abandon them " saying to the executioners: " Where my daughters go I go ." Led to the place of execution, Mother Teresa asked to be executed last so that she could encourage her daughters to die for their faith. The five were martyred that day on the covered Cross of Alzira (Valencia), and were beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2001 along with 229 other martyrs of that religious persecution. The distinguished Valencian martyrologist Ramón Fita, episcopal delegate of the diocesan commission for the Cause of Saints, the presentation of the Ferragud family as a Christian model of the family by Benedict XVI is "a great joy for our diocese and for the universal Church ". Blessed Luis Martin and Maria Celia Guérin, parents of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, also proposed as exemplary family models.

