Activists Destroy March for Life Stage but Thousands Still Marched for the Unborn in Austria Despite Attacks

Thousands at March for Life in Vienna 2024, including two bishops. During the March for Life in Vienna - there was a counter-protest with Green Party politician Lena Schilling.
 "Protect children, support women" and "Vienna is pro-life" - with these messages, over 2000 pro-life activists marched through Vienna on Saturday, October 5th. Among the participants were the ÖVP politicians Jan Ledochowski, Caroline Hungerländer and Suha Dejmek, as well as Bishop Franz Scharl from the Archdiocese of Vienna and Bishop Klaus Küng. "Every person has a right to life. Unborn Lives Matter. We brought this message to the streets today. Peacefully, loudly and atmospherically. It was not only a celebration of life, but also a loud call for justice and peace that begins in the womb. Abortion is the worst tragedy of our time - thousands showed today in Vienna that they care about the fate of mothers, babies and young families," said Felicitas Trachta, chairwoman of the March for Life association.
The message #UnbornLivesMatter caused controversy when a banner with this message was illegally cut up and stolen by left-wing extremists after they had violently entered the Karlskirche. However, the pro-life activists hung up a different banner shortly afterwards.
Also, Antifa activists, on the night before the pro-life march, destroyed the stage that was intended for the March for Life the next day. Damage of up to €100,000 was caused.
 Green politicians Meri Disoski and Veronika Spielmann called for a violent counter-protest. The graphic calling for the protest shows a huge activist with an ice pick threatening a small pro-life activist. Green MEP Lena Schilling was seen at the protest. There were also illegal paint attacks, the activists, appeared individually and masked.

"Today, two worlds collided again: one masked, screaming and disruptive, the other pro-life, cheerful and empathetic. There is nothing cooler than being a pro-life activist! So many wonderful people with whom you can stand up for those who have no voice: unborn babies," added Trachta.
Before the march through the city center, the rally took place at Karlsplatz. The initiator of the citizens' initiative #Fäirändern tells her own story: "My abortion was the worst experience of my life." That is why she founded a citizens' initiative that demands better support for women and protection for babies from politicians.
“Being pro-life means having a vision: We can really be a pro-life generation! A generation of happy and free families, with prosperity through offspring, a world in which we have understood the basics: that children are our future. A world that cares for the weak and does not kill innocent children. A world in which peace reigns - which begins in the womb. In which people help each other and no one has to be killed,” said moderator Ludwig Brühl at the rally.
The next March for Life in Vienna is on October 4, 2025
At the end on Stephansplatz, the participants started dancing. “We love life” blared from the speakers and the slogan “Vienna is pro-life” was chanted. 

