Wow Large Crowd at March for Life in Switzerland to Defend the Unborn!

Around 1,600 pro-life activists gathered on Saturday, September 14, 2024 for the "14th March for Life" in Zurich-Oerlikon. From 2:30 p.m., pro-life stories of those affected and clear pro-life statements from Prof. Dr. med. Paul Cullen, chairman of "Doctors for Life" in Germany, and EVP National Councilor Marc Jost could be heard on the market square. Under the motto "Stand up for Life!", the participants marched through the streets of Zurich to stand up for children's right to life.
EPP National Councillor Jost: "Today we have stood up, but we are not standing still. We are moving forward, with respect, humility, but determination, because this is about lives - about thousands of lives."
As in previous years, the march itself had to take place under heavy police protection. This was the only way the participants could march unhindered through the streets of Zurich, despite some protests from the opposing side.
On stage, Prof. Dr. Cullen reported how the freedom of conscience of doctors is now under threat. He cited cases of colleagues who came under massive pressure or even lost their jobs because of their pro-life stance. He himself was also insulted by student representatives at the University of Münster for his pro-life stance.
Various organizations are making it increasingly difficult for doctors not to perform abortions for reasons of conscience, said Cullen. But a doctor without freedom of conscience is no longer a doctor, but rather "a medical technician who carries out prescribed actions on patients, regardless of whether he finds them justifiable and compatible with his conscience or not." The doctor pleaded for an alternative to the "dominant culture of death" and called: "Let us create oases of life in which questions of conscience cannot even arise!"
EPP National Councillor Marc Jost also spoke out in favour of "protecting unborn children, as they have no voice of their own". He was relaxed about the fact that this could damage his reputation as a politician: "When a life is in danger, as with someone who is in danger of drowning, you don't ask whether the rescue operation is well understood - you jump into the water and do the right thing." The number of abortions in Switzerland, which was 12,045 last year, is "thought-provoking and sad". Jost therefore demanded: "Well-founded and differentiated advice should be offered and women in distress should be better supported."
Manda, who became pregnant as a teenager, also received support. After she had already made an appointment for an abortion, she decided to keep her child in hospital. Supported by her parents and her future boss, she completed an apprenticeship as a young mother, thus showing that having a child at a young age does not have to be a "stumbling block" on your career path. She said clearly: "There is no right or wrong time to have a child!"
The Hope21 association, which was introduced at the march, ensures that parents of a child with Down syndrome also receive help. Nowadays, up to 90 percent of children suspected of having Down syndrome are aborted. Tom Keller, board member of Hope21, emphasized how important it is for affected families to network with each other and thus be able to help each other.
Numerous organisations from home and abroad were also present, including the prayer movement "40 days for life", which is now active in 64 countries. As in previous years, Auxiliary Bishop Marian Eleganti took part from the church side. The Swiss band "Salty Sisters" provided music on stage and a 25-person samba band marched. They all agreed with the words of NR Jost: "Today we have stood up, but we are not standing still. We are moving forward, with respect, humility, but determination, because this is about lives - about thousands of lives."
