SAINTS of September - List of Saint Feast Days for the Month of September - Inspirational Saint Stories to SHARE!

Did You Know September is Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows with Special Promises and Powerful Prayers to Share!
Saint September 1 : St. Giles the Patron of Breast Cancer , Beggars and Disabled with Novena Prayer
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Saint September 2 : St. Ingrid of Sweden the 1st Dominican Nun in Sweden who Died in 1282Saint September 3 : St. Gregory the Great a Pope and Patron of Singers, Teachers, Against Plagues with Novena Prayer
Saint September 4 : St. Rose of Viterbo a 3rd Order Franciscan who Raised Her Aunt from the Dead
Saint September 4 : Blessed Dina Belanger : a Concert Pianist who became a Nun and Consecrated to Jesus and Mary
Saint September 4 : St. Rosalia who lived in a Cave and Ended the Plague
Saint September 5 : St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta the Founder of the Missionaries of Charity - Short Biography + Novena Prayer
Saint September 6 : St. Eleutherius the Bishop of Tournai who Died 585
Saint September 7 : St. Cloud - Son of King Clovis and Prince of France who Consecrated himself to the service of God
Saint September 8 : Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of Jesus - Happy Birthday #MotherMary!
September 9 Saintly Antoine Frédéric Ozanam the Founder of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Miracle which led to his Beatification by Pope St. John Paul II - Biography
Saint September 9 : St. Peter Claver who Baptized 300, 000 - Patron Saint of Racism, Slaves and African Americans
Saint September 10 : St. Nicholas of Tolentino the Patron of Babies, Animals, and the Dying
Saint September 11 : St. John Gabriel Perboyre a Priest and Martyr of China of the Congregation of the Mission
Saint September 12 : Feast of the Holy Name of Mary the Mother of Jesus - Biblical Explanation and Meaning of the Name of Mary
Saint September 13 : St. John Chrysostom a Doctor of the Church and the Patron of Education, Epilepsy and Preachers -
Saint September 14 : The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Feast - #Cross
Feast September 15 : Our Lady of Sorrows - Remembering how Mary Suffered with Jesus
Saint September 15 : St. Catherine of Genoa a Mystic who Saw the Suffering of the Souls of Purgatory
Saint September 16 : St. Cyprian the Church Father who Converted from Paganism and became a Bishop and Martyr from Africa
Saint September 16 : St. Cornelius a Pope and Patron of Fever, Pets and Earache
Saint September 17 : Saint Hildegard von Bingen a Doctor of the Church and Patron of Music, Medicine who Founded a Monastery
Saint September 17 : St. Robert Bellarmine a Doctor of the Church and the Patron of Catechists, Canon Lawyers and Catechumens
Saint September 18 : St. Joseph of Cupertino the Saint who could Fly and the Patron of Students, Pilots and Mentally Handicapped
Saint September 19 : St. Januarius the Patron of Blood banks and Volcanic eruptions
Sept. 19: Our Lady of La Salette who Prophesied future sufferings if People don't Pray to God in 1846
Saint September 20 : St. Andrew Kim Taegon and Companions Martyrs and Patron Korean Clergy
Saint September 21 : St. Matthew the Apostle and Patron of Accountants, Taxes, Bankers whose Symbol is a Winged Man
Saint September 22 : St. Thomas of Villanova in Valencia Spain and an Augustinian Bishop
Saint September 23 : St. Pio of Pietrelcina - the Priest who bore the wounds of Christ and could see his Guardian Angel - #PadrePio
Saint September 24 : Our Lady of Mercy or Ransom who Appeared in a Vision to Save Christian Captives - with Novena Prayer
Saint September 24 : St. Pacific of San Severino a Franciscan who became Blind and Deaf
Saint September 24 : Our Lady of Walsingham of whom Pope Leo XIII made the Prophecy ‘when England goes back to Walsingham, Mary will return to England.’ - with Entrustment Prayer
Saint September 25 : St. Finbarr a Bishop of Ireland who was Buried in the Cathedral he Built in Cork
Saint September 26 : Sts. Cosmas and Damian Physician Martyrs : Patrons of Physicians, Dentists, Barbers, Veterinarians and Orphanages
Saint September 26 : North American Martyrs - the 1st Missionaries who Preached to the Natives
Saint September 27 : St. Vincent de Paul the Patron of Charities; Horses; Hospitals; Leprosy; Prisoners; Spiritual help; Volunteers
Saint September 28 : St. Wenceslaus a Duke and Martyr
Saint September 28 : St. Lorenzo Ruiz and Companions -Martyrs - who said "To die for God—such is my will"
Saint September 28 : Our Lady Undoer of Knots - Entrust the Knots of Our Sins and Miseries to Mary the Mother of Jesus
Saint September 29 : Archangels named St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael who are Patrons of Protection, Travel and Art
Saint September 30 : St. Jerome the Patron of Librarians, Translators, Archeologists and Bible Scholars