SAINTS of September - List of Saint Feast Days for the Month of September - Inspirational Saint Stories to SHARE!

Here is a list of inspiring Saint stories for the month of September. Click each link to find out more about these Holy heroes of the Faith!
Did You Know September is Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows with Special Promises and Powerful Prayers to Share!
Saint September 1 : St. Giles the Patron of Breast Cancer , Beggars and Disabled with Novena Prayer
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Saint September 2 : St. Ingrid of Sweden the 1st Dominican Nun in Sweden who Died in 1282
Saint September 3 : St. Gregory the Great a Pope and Patron of Singers, Teachers, Against Plagues with Novena Prayer
Saint September 4 : St. Rose of Viterbo a 3rd Order Franciscan who Raised Her Aunt from the Dead
Saint September 4 : Blessed Dina Belanger : a Concert Pianist who became a Nun and Consecrated to Jesus and Mary
Saint September 4 : St. Rosalia who lived in a Cave and Ended the Plague
Saint September 5 : St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta the Founder of the Missionaries of Charity - Short Biography + Novena Prayer
Saint September 6 : St. Eleutherius the Bishop of Tournai who Died 585
Saint September 7 : St. Cloud - Son of King Clovis and Prince of France who Consecrated himself to the service of God
Saint September 8 : Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of Jesus - Happy Birthday #MotherMary!
September 9 Saintly Antoine Frédéric Ozanam the Founder of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Miracle which led to his Beatification by Pope St. John Paul II - Biography
Saint September 9 : St. Peter Claver who Baptized 300, 000 - Patron Saint of Racism, Slaves and African Americans
Saint September 10 : St. Nicholas of Tolentino the Patron of Babies, Animals, and the Dying
Saint September 11 : St. John Gabriel Perboyre a Priest and Martyr of China of the Congregation of the Mission
Saint September 12 : Feast of the Holy Name of Mary the Mother of Jesus - Biblical Explanation and Meaning of the Name of Mary
Saint September 13 : St. John Chrysostom a Doctor of the Church and the Patron of Education, Epilepsy and Preachers -
Saint September 14 : The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Feast - #Cross
Feast September 15 : Our Lady of Sorrows - Remembering how Mary Suffered with Jesus
Saint September 15 : St. Catherine of Genoa a Mystic who Saw the Suffering of the Souls of Purgatory
Saint September 16 : St. Cyprian the Church Father who Converted from Paganism and became a Bishop and Martyr from Africa
Saint September 16 : St. Cornelius a Pope and Patron of Fever, Pets and Earache
Saint September 17 : Saint Hildegard von Bingen a Doctor of the Church and Patron of Music, Medicine who Founded a Monastery
Saint September 17 : St. Robert Bellarmine a Doctor of the Church and the Patron of Catechists, Canon Lawyers and Catechumens
Saint September 18 : St. Joseph of Cupertino the Saint who could Fly and the Patron of Students, Pilots and Mentally Handicapped
Saint September 19 : St. Januarius the Patron of Blood banks and Volcanic eruptions
Sept. 19: Our Lady of La Salette who Prophesied future sufferings if People don't Pray to God in 1846
Saint September 20 : St. Andrew Kim Taegon and Companions Martyrs and Patron Korean Clergy
Saint September 21 : St. Matthew the Apostle and Patron of Accountants, Taxes, Bankers whose Symbol is a Winged Man
Saint September 22 : St. Thomas of Villanova in Valencia Spain and an Augustinian Bishop
Saint September 23 : St. Pio of Pietrelcina - the Priest who bore the wounds of Christ and could see his Guardian Angel - #PadrePio
Saint September 24 : Our Lady of Mercy or Ransom who Appeared in a Vision to Save Christian Captives - with Novena Prayer
Saint September 24 : St. Pacific of San Severino a Franciscan who became Blind and Deaf
Saint September 24 : Our Lady of Walsingham of whom Pope Leo XIII made the Prophecy ‘when England goes back to Walsingham, Mary will return to England.’ - with Entrustment Prayer
Saint September 25 : St. Finbarr a Bishop of Ireland who was Buried in the Cathedral he Built in Cork
Saint September 26 : Sts. Cosmas and Damian Physician Martyrs : Patrons of Physicians, Dentists, Barbers, Veterinarians and Orphanages
Saint September 26 : North American Martyrs - the 1st Missionaries who Preached to the Natives
Saint September 27 : St. Vincent de Paul the Patron of Charities; Horses; Hospitals; Leprosy; Prisoners; Spiritual help; Volunteers
Saint September 28 : St. Wenceslaus a Duke and Martyr
Saint September 28 : St. Lorenzo Ruiz and Companions -Martyrs - who said "To die for God—such is my will"
Saint September 28 : Our Lady Undoer of Knots - Entrust the Knots of Our Sins and Miseries to Mary the Mother of Jesus
Saint September 29 : Archangels named St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael who are Patrons of Protection, Travel and Art
Saint September 30 : St. Jerome the Patron of Librarians, Translators, Archeologists and Bible Scholars
