Pope Francis with 100,000 at Mass says "trust in Jesus!" - "...do not grow weary of dreaming and building again a civilization of peace!” in Indonesia FULL TEXT

Pope Francis celebrated Holy Mass in Indonesia, in the Jakarta's Gelora Bung Karno soccer stadium, and the 87-year-old pontiff received an joyful welcome as he arrived on Sept. 5. This papal Mass was held on the third day of his closely watched 12-day visit to Asia and Oceania. More than 100,000 Catholics gathered inside the stadium and a nearby overflow arena to greet the pope. There were the traditional shouts of "Viva il Papa!" as the pope made his way around the arena, in a country of 280 million, where Catholics make up just 3% of the population.
(September 2-13, 2024)
Gelora Bung Karno Stadium (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Thursday, September 5, 2024
The encounter with Jesus calls us to live two fundamental attitudes, which allow us to become his disciples. The first attitude: listening to the Word; the second: living the Word. First, listening, because everything comes from listening, from opening ourselves to Him, from welcoming the precious gift of his friendship. But then it is important to live the Word received, so as not to be vain listeners who deceive themselves (see James 1:22); so as not to risk listening only with our ears without the seed of the Word descending into our hearts and changing our way of thinking, feeling, acting, and this is not good. The Word that is given to us and that we listen to asks to become life, to transform life, to incarnate itself in our life.
We can contemplate these two essential attitudes: listening to the Word and living the Word, in the Gospel that has just been proclaimed.

First of all, listening to the Word. The Evangelist tells us that many people flocked to Jesus and "the crowd pressed around him to hear the word of God" (Lk 5:1). They seek Him, they are hungry and thirsty for the Word of the Lord and they hear it resonate in the words of Jesus. Therefore, this scene, which is repeated so many times in the Gospel, tells us that the heart of man is always searching for a truth capable of feeding and satisfying his desire for happiness; that we cannot be satisfied with human words alone, with the criteria of this world, with earthly judgments; we always need a light that comes from above to illuminate our steps, a living water that can quench the deserts of the soul, a consolation that does not disappoint because it comes from heaven and not from the ephemeral things of this world. In the midst of the dizziness and vanity of human words, brothers and sisters, we need the Word of God, the only one that is a compass for our journey, the only one that among so many wounds and losses is able to lead us back to the authentic meaning of life.
Brothers and sisters, let us not forget this: the first task of the disciple - we are all disciples! - is not to wear the habit of an outwardly perfect religiosity, to do extraordinary things or to engage in grandiose undertakings. No. The first task, the first step, instead, consists in knowing how to listen to the only Word that saves, that of Jesus, as we can see in the Gospel episode, when the Master climbs into Peter’s boat to distance himself a little from the shore and thus preach better to the people (see Luke 5:3). Our life of faith begins when we humbly welcome Jesus onto the boat of our existence, we make room for him, we listen to his Word and let it question us, shake us and change us.
At the same time, brothers and sisters, the Word of the Lord asks to be incarnated concretely in us: we are therefore called to live the Word. Repeating the Word only, without living it, makes us become like parrots: yes, I say it, but it is not understood, it is not lived. In fact, after he has finished preaching to the crowds from the boat, Jesus turns to Peter and urges him to take a risk by betting on that Word: “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch” (v. 4). The Word of the Lord cannot remain a beautiful abstract idea or arouse only the emotion of a moment; it asks us to change our outlook, to let our hearts be transformed in the image of Christ’s; the Word calls us to courageously cast the nets of the Gospel into the sea of ​​the world, “running the risk”, yes, running the risk of living the love that He taught us and lived first. To us too, brothers and sisters, the Lord, with the burning force of his Word, asks us to put out into the deep, to detach ourselves from the stagnant shores of bad habits, fears and mediocrity, to dare a new life. Mediocrity pleases the devil! Because it enters us and ruins us.
Of course, obstacles and excuses for saying no are never lacking; but let us look again at Peter’s attitude: he was coming from a difficult night, in which he had caught nothing, he was angry, he was tired, he was disappointed; and yet, instead of remaining paralyzed in that void and blocked by his own failure, he says: "Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing; but at your word I will let down the nets" (v. 5). At your word I will let down the nets. And then the unheard of happens, the miracle of a boat that fills with fish to the point of almost sinking (see v. 7).
Brothers and sisters, faced with the many tasks of our daily life; faced with the call, which we all feel, to build a more just society, to move forward on the path of peace and dialogue – that path that has been traced here in Indonesia for some time –, we can sometimes feel inadequate, feel the weight of so much commitment that does not always bear the hoped-for fruits or of our mistakes that seem to stop the journey. But with the same humility and the same faith as Peter, we too are asked not to remain prisoners of our failures. This is a very bad thing, because failures take hold of us and we can become prisoners of failures. No, please: let us not remain prisoners of our failures; instead of remaining with our gaze fixed on our empty nets, let us look at Jesus and trust in Him. Do not look at your empty nets, look at Jesus, look at Jesus! He will make you walk, He will make you go well, trust in Jesus! We can always risk setting out to sea and casting our nets again, even when we have gone through the night of failure, the time of disappointment in which we have caught nothing. Now I will take a short moment of silence and each of you think about your own failures. [pause] And looking at these failures, let us risk, let us move forward with the courage of the Word of God.
Saint Teresa of Calcutta, whose memory we celebrate today and who tirelessly took care of the poorest and promoted peace and dialogue, said: “When we have nothing to give, let us give them that nothing. And remember: even if you should reap nothing, never tire of sowing.” Brother and sister, never tire of sowing, because this is life.
This, brothers and sisters, I would also like to say to you, to this Nation, to this marvelous and varied archipelago: do not tire of setting out to sea, do not tire of casting your nets, do not tire of dreaming, do not tire of dreaming and building a civilization of peace again! Always dare to dream of fraternity, which is a true treasure among you. On the Word of the Lord I encourage you to sow love, to confidently walk the path of dialogue, to continue to practice your goodness and kindness with the typical smile that distinguishes you. Have they told you that you are a smiling people? Do not lose your smile, please, and go forward! And be builders of peace. Be builders of hope!
This is the desire recently expressed by the Bishops of the country, and it is the wish that I would also like to address to all the Indonesian people: to walk together for the good of society and the Church! Be builders of hope. Listen carefully: be builders of hope! That hope of the Gospel that does not disappoint (see Rom 5:5), never disappoints, and that opens us to endless joy. Thank you very much.
Thanksgiving at the end of the Mass
I thank Cardinal Ignatius, as well as the President of the Episcopal Conference and the other Pastors of the Church in Indonesia, who together with the priests and deacons serve the holy people of God in this great country. I thank the religious men and women and all the volunteers; and with great affection to the elderly, the sick and the suffering who offered their prayers. Thank you!
My visit among you is coming to an end and I want to express my joyful gratitude for the exquisite welcome that I was given. I renew it to the President of the Republic, who was present here today, to the other civil Authorities and to the forces of law and order, and I extend it to the entire Indonesian people.
It is said in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles that on the day of Pentecost there was a great uproar in Jerusalem. And everyone was making a noise to preach the Gospel. I recommend, dear brothers and sisters, make a noise! ​​Make a noise!
The Lord bless you. Thank you!

Source: Vatican News  and Vatican.va Bulletin with Vatican Media Screenshot
