Pope Francis Visits Disabled Children Cared for by Nuns and says "We cannot understand the love of Jesus if we do not start practicing love." VIDEO


(September 2-13, 2024)

In Timor-Leste: Pope Francis visited disabled children on August 10th in the morning, marking the first event of his second day in this young Catholic nation. As Pope Francis arrived at the Irmãs Alma school, the streets were filled with people eager to greet him.

A group of children, dressed in traditional clothing, welcomed him, accompanied by a choir of singing sisters. Children waiting patiently In the San Vincenzo de' Paoli hall, 50 children and 28 sisters waited patiently. Three children, encouraged by one of the sisters, approached the Holy Father and presented him with a traditional scarf called a tais. Sister Getrudis Bidi, the Superior of the congregation, then welcomed the Pope and shared the school's mission, which has been ongoing for sixty years. She spoke about their work caring for children with various disabilities and disadvantages, describing them as "treasures entrusted by God." Throughout this intimate encounter, three children sat quietly at the Pope’s feet.
“Irmãs Alma” School (Dili, Timor-Leste)
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
There is one thing that always makes me think: when Jesus speaks of the final judgment, he says to some: “Come with me,” but he does not say: “Come with me because you were baptized, because you were confirmed, because you were married in church, because you did not lie, because you did not steal.” No. “Come with me because you took care of me.” You took care of me. And Jesus says: “Come with me because you took care of me when I was hungry and you gave me food, when I was thirsty and you gave me drink, when I was sick and you visited me”, and so on. I call this the sacrament of the poor. A love that encourages, that builds and that strengthens.
And this is what is found here: love. Without love this is not understood. And so we understand the love of Jesus who gave his life for us. We cannot understand the love of Jesus if we do not start practicing love. Sharing life with the people who are most in need is a program, your program, it is a program of every Christian. I want to thank you for what you do; and I also want to thank the girls and boys, the boys and girls who give us the testimony of letting ourselves be cared for. Because they teach us how we must let ourselves be cared for by God. Let ourselves be cared for by God and not by many ideas, or projects, or whims. Let ourselves be cared for by God. And they are our teachers. Thank you for this!
I am seeing this [child], what is his name? Silvano. Bring him here. And what does Silvano teach us, what does he teach us? He teaches us to take care. By taking care of him, we learn to take care. And if we look at his face, he is calm, patient, sleeping peacefully. And just as he lets himself be taken care of, we too must learn to let ourselves be taken care of. Let ourselves be taken care of by God, who loves us so much; let ourselves be taken care of by Our Lady, who is our Mother.
And now let us recite a Hail Mary to Our Lady and I will give you my blessing.
[after the prayer and blessing]
And do not forget, do not forget that we must learn to let ourselves be taken care of, all of us, as they let themselves be taken care of. Thank you!
[Exchange of gifts]
This is the gift I leave to this house. Look carefully: Saint Joseph takes care of Our Lady, Our Lady takes care of Jesus. The most important is He who lets himself be taken care of the most: Jesus. He lets himself be taken care of by Mary and Joseph
