Pope Francis Pleads “I ask all parties to cease fire immediately in Lebanon, in Gaza, in the rest of Palestine, and in Israel.”

 ANGELUS of Pope Francis at the end of the Mass in Belgium, with nearly 40,000 people in the King Baudouin Stadium (Brussels) on Sunday, September 29, 2024.

FULL TEXT Speech of Pope Francis:
I thank the Archbishop for his kind words. I express heartfelt gratitude to Their Majesties the King and Queen, as well as to Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg: I ​​thank them for their presence and for their welcome in these days.

And I extend my “thank you” to all those who, in many ways, collaborated in the organization of this visit; especially to the elderly and the sick who offered their prayers.
Today we celebrate the World Day of Migrants and Refugees on the theme “God walks with his people”. From this country, Belgium, which has been and still is a destination for so many migrants, I renew to Europe and the international community my appeal to consider the phenomenon of migration as an opportunity to grow together in brotherhood, and I invite everyone to see in every migrant brother and sister the face of Jesus who became a guest and pilgrim among us.
I continue to follow with pain and with great concern the widening and intensification of the conflict in Lebanon. Lebanon is a message, but at this moment it is a tormented message, and this war has devastating effects on the population: many, too many people continue to die day after day in the Middle East. Let us pray for the victims, for their families, let us pray for peace. I ask all parties to immediately cease fire in Lebanon, in Gaza, in the rest of Palestine, in Israel. Let the hostages be released and humanitarian aid be allowed. Let us not forget tormented Ukraine.
I also thank so many of you who have come from Holland, Germany and France to share this day: thank you.
At this moment I would also like to give you some news. Upon my return to Rome I will begin the process of beatification of King Baudouin: may his example as a man of faith enlighten those who govern. I ask that the Belgian Bishops commit themselves to carrying forward this cause.
Let us now turn to the Virgin Mary, reciting the Angelus together. This prayer, very popular in past generations, deserves to be rediscovered: it is a synthesis of the Christian mystery, which the Church teaches us to insert into the midst of daily occupations. I give it to you, especially to the young, and I entrust you all to our Most Holy Mother, who here, next to the altar, is depicted as the Seat of Wisdom. Yes, we need the wisdom of the Gospel! Let us ask the Holy Spirit for it often.
And through the intercession of Mary, we invoke from God the gift of peace, for the tormented Ukraine, for Palestine and Israel, for Sudan, Myanmar and all the lands wounded by war.
Thank you all! And forward, “en route, avec Espérance”!
