#BreakingNews Miracle Liquefication of Saint Januarius’ Blood in Naples, Italy, on his Feast Day - VIDEO San Gennaro Napoli

The miracle of Saint Januarius ( Gennaro) was repeated in Naples, Italy. The blood had already melted before the celebration. The Holy Mass was live-streamed for Saint Januarius' feast day, September 19th, when the recurring miracle of the liquefaction of his blood usually occurs. (or San Gennaro) The liquefaction occurred in the Cathedral at 10:00am, a long applause greeted the announcement  and the waving of the white handkerchiefs. In the crowded cathedral, with over 2000 people.
Mayor Manfredi: "What do I ask of San Gennaro? Help the many who are in need". In addition to the governor of Campania, De Luca, also present were Prince Carlo di Borbone, Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy and the actress Marisa Laurito
. The announcement to the faithful at 10 o'clock by the Archbishop of Naples, Fr Mimmo Battaglia.

The liquefaction of the blood of the Patron Saint of Naples took place before the Eucharistic Celebration in the Cathedral, as always crowded with faithful. The blood in the ampoule, carried on the shoulders of the seminarians to the main altar of the Cathedral, was already liquefied.

The relic was placed on the Tronetto after being taken from the Treasury Chapel by the Cardinal, accompanied by the Abbot, Monsignor Vincenzo de Gregorio, the mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi and the governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca . Also present were Prince Charles of Bourbon, Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy and the actress Marisa Laurito. The Cathedral of Naples was opened this morning at 7:30 and will remain so until this evening at 9:00 pm. The first act of the day was the first Mass celebrated by the parish priest. Immediately afterwards, a seminarian read "The Passion of San Gennaro". The miracle of San Gennaro usually occurs in Naples three times a year: the Saturday before the first Sunday in May, September 19 and December 16. 
Charles of Bourbon and Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy
"What do I ask of San Gennaro? Surely to protect the city, to look at the many sufferings but also to give us the opportunity to grow and create better living conditions for everyone". This is what the mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, said on the sidelines of the celebrations for the feast of San Gennaro, awaiting the miracle that occurred this morning.
"This is what we are trying to do - Manfredi specified - and I hope that this positive path can continue and allow us to help the many who are in need. We have many problems but also many opportunities, we must look at everyone, especially the people who are in difficulty today, who have income problems, housing problems, but we need to look positively to the future, to make the city grow and create opportunities for everyone".

The miracle usually occurs 3 times a year: on the Saint's Feast Day September 19th, the 1st Saturday in May and on December 16th which was the anniversary of the Volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1631. It is considered a bad omen if the blood does not liquify - which happened just before the pandemic.   At the end of the celebration, the ampoule with the relics of the Patron Saint of Naples and Campania was placed in the reliquary in the chapel dedicated to him.

The  liquefaction of the blood on the liturgical feast in honor of the Patron Saint of Naples and Campania, gives great hope to the people. The church of San Gennaro is a Unesco  heritage site. https://www.fanpage.it/

Image Source: Screenshot from the Chiesi di Napoli Youtube Channel

Sources: Rai and  Napoli.reppublica.it
