Vatican Responds to Mockery of Christianity at the Olympic Opening Ceremony "The Holy See was saddened by certain scenes..."
Many Christians, and leaders worldwide, reacted with shock to the July 26th opening of the Olympic Games in Paris, France. The Vatican has responded in a statement expresses their sadness at what occurred (SEE Full Text below) At the opening ceremony, the Last Supper was portrayed as a party, thereby making a mockery of Christianity (See Video below). The Catholic Conference of bishops of France issued a statement in reaction to the opening ceremony of the Games: "...the Olympics contribute to this need for unity and fraternity that our world needs so much, while respecting the convictions of all, around the sport that brings us together and in order to promote peace among nations and hearts. This ceremony unfortunately included scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity, which we deeply deplore. We thank the members of other religious confessions who expressed their solidarity with us. This morning, we think of all the Christians of all continents who were hurt by the excess and provocation of certain scenes."
The Holy See was saddened by certain scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris and cannot but join the voices that have been raised in recent days to deplore the offense done to many Christians and believers of other religions.
In a prestigious event where the whole world comes together around common values, there should be no allusions that ridicule the religious convictions of many people.
Freedom of expression, which is obviously not called into question, finds its limit in respect for others.