READ King Saint Stephen's Great Advice to his Son is an Inspiration for Leaders and Fathers!


The King wrote a guide with principles of government to his only surviving son Emeric - it was called Admonitions or De institutione morum. The  counsel of St. Stephen cautions to respect the Church Prelates. He also tells his son that his own life must be exemplary in the practice of the virtues.
The King gave great advice to his son that all leaders can take to heart:
My dearest son, if you desire to honor the Royal Crown, I advise, I counsel, I urge you above all things to maintain the Catholic and Apostolic Faith with such diligence and care that you may be an example for all those placed under you by God and that all the clergy may rightly call you a man of true Christian profession. Failing to do this, you may be sure that you will not be called a Christian or a son of the Church.
Indeed, in the Royal Palace after the Faith itself, the Church holds second place, first propagated as she was by our head, Christ; then transplanted, firmly constituted and spread through the whole world by His members, the Apostles and Holy Fathers. And though she always produced fresh offspring, nevertheless in certain places she is regarded as ancient.
However, dearest son, even now in our kingdom the Church is proclaimed as young and newly planted; and for that reason she needs more prudent and trustworthy guardians lest a benefit which the divine mercy bestowed on us undeservedly should be destroyed and annihilated through your idleness, indolence or neglect.
My beloved son, delight of my heart, hope of your posterity, I pray, I command, that at every time and in everything, strengthened by your devotion to me, you may show favor not only to relations and kin, or to the most eminent, be they leaders or rich men or neighbors or fellow-countrymen, but also to strangers and to all who come to you. By fulfilling your duty in this way you will reach the highest state of happiness.
For if you destroy what I have built up or strive to disperse what I have gathered together, without doubt you kingdom will suffer the greatest damage. Lest that be, augment your kingdom daily, so that your crown may be held august by all. ...
Be merciful to all who are suffering violence, keeping always in your heart the example of the Lord who said: I desire mercy and not sacrifice. Be patient with everyone, not only with the powerful, but also with the weak. Finally be strong lest prosperity lift you up too much or adversity cast you down. Be humble in this life, that God may raise you up in the next.

Be truly moderate and do not punish or condemn anyone immoderately. Be gentle so that you may never oppose justice. Be honorable so that you may never voluntarily bring disgrace upon anyone. Be chaste so that you may avoid all the foulness of lust like the pangs of death. All these virtues I have noted above make up the Royal Crown and without them no one is fit to rule here on earth or attain the Heavenly Kingdom.

Sadly, on September 2, 1031, at age 24, Emeric was killed by a boar in a hunting accident.

In Stephen's words of mourning he expressed his resignation in this great sorrow: "By God's secret decision death took him, so that wickedness would not change his soul and false imaginations would not deceive his mind."

Several wondrous healings and conversions happened at his grave. The son and father were both canonized by Pope Gregory VII in 1083.
