
Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Sunday, September 1, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Giles who Befriended a Deer! Patron Saint of Breast Cancer, Beggars and Disabled with Novena Prayer - Saint of September 1

WATCH a Free Catholic Movie "The House of Happiness" on the Life of Mother Maria Domenica Mazzarello

Did You Know? SEPTEMBER is Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows with Special Promises and Powerful Prayers to Share!

US Bishops' Care of Creation Day Message the "Eucharist Inspires Hope and Action on this World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation..."

Pope Francis says "Be peaceful. Indeed, your ability to be with everyone, in the midst of the people...has made you expert “peacemakers” to Franciscan Capuchins - FULL TEXT

PRAY - Official Novena for the Birth of Mary, Blessed Virgin with Plenary Indulgence - Powerful Prayers to Share! Complete - Days 1-9

US Bishops' Labor Day 2024 Statement 'Pray, Work, and Advocate for Protection of All Laborers and a Just Economy for All'

LISTEN to a Heavenly Choir Sing "Sicut Cervus" by Palestrina in Magnificent Church will Touch your Soul!

Pope Francis Praises Clean Energy Group that "brought light into the homes of the poor" - FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Saturday, August 31, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - B

St. Raymond Nonnatus whose Lips were Pad-Locked! Pro-Life Patron Saint of Pregnant, Midwives and Newborns with Novena Prayer - Saint of August 31

Vatican's UN Observer, Archbishop Balestrero, Calls for a Ban on Lethal A.I. Weapons

Vatican Approves Apparition's Devotion to Our Lady of Mercy at Shrine of Pellevoisin, France