Wow Countdown to the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador in September - 12 Things to Know!

Countdown to the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador in September, 2024 - 12 Things to Know and SHARE!
1. When? The 53rd International Eucharistic Congress is in Quito, Ecuador, from September 8-15th, 2024.
2. The theme of the 2024 international congress is “Fraternity to Heal the World.” The first day, "Wounded World" , will feature presentations by Juan Manuel Cotelo and testimonies from figures such as Cardinal Luis José Rueda Aparicio. The second day, "Fraternity Redeemed in Christ" , will include a conference by Sr. Daniela Cannavina and testimonies about historical figures of faith. The third day will focus on "Eucharist and Transfiguration of the World" with presentations by Bishop Andrew Cozzens and Bishop José Ignacio Munilla.
3. Why? Quito, Ecuador, in South America, was chosen as the venue for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress 2024 (IEC 2024), because in 2024 it will be 150 years since the Consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
4. Delegations from the Catholic Church from over 40 countries will be present:
Germany, Australia, Algeria, New Zealand, Burundi, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Slovenia, El Salvador, Spain, France, Philippines, Guatemala, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lesotho, Mexico, Namibia, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Czech Republic, Rwanda, Slovenia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Togo, Turkey, United States,
2. The theme of the 2024 international congress is “Fraternity to Heal the World.” The first day, "Wounded World" , will feature presentations by Juan Manuel Cotelo and testimonies from figures such as Cardinal Luis José Rueda Aparicio. The second day, "Fraternity Redeemed in Christ" , will include a conference by Sr. Daniela Cannavina and testimonies about historical figures of faith. The third day will focus on "Eucharist and Transfiguration of the World" with presentations by Bishop Andrew Cozzens and Bishop José Ignacio Munilla.
3. Why? Quito, Ecuador, in South America, was chosen as the venue for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress 2024 (IEC 2024), because in 2024 it will be 150 years since the Consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
4. Delegations from the Catholic Church from over 40 countries will be present:
Germany, Australia, Algeria, New Zealand, Burundi, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Slovenia, El Salvador, Spain, France, Philippines, Guatemala, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lesotho, Mexico, Namibia, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Czech Republic, Rwanda, Slovenia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Togo, Turkey, United States,
5. History of Eucharistic Congresses in Ecuador
Ecuador has a rich tradition of Eucharistic Congresses. The first National Eucharistic Congress was held in Quito in 1886, just 12 years after the national consecration. This event brought together clergy and lay people from all over the country, consolidating the importance of the Eucharist in Ecuadorian spiritual life. Over the years, several national congresses have been held, each one strengthening the faith and devotion of the Ecuadorian people towards the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Eucharist. Eucharistic congresses, which began in 1881 in Lille, France, have been crucial in promoting Eucharistic devotion and strengthening the global community of believers.
Ecuador has a rich tradition of Eucharistic Congresses. The first National Eucharistic Congress was held in Quito in 1886, just 12 years after the national consecration. This event brought together clergy and lay people from all over the country, consolidating the importance of the Eucharist in Ecuadorian spiritual life. Over the years, several national congresses have been held, each one strengthening the faith and devotion of the Ecuadorian people towards the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Eucharist. Eucharistic congresses, which began in 1881 in Lille, France, have been crucial in promoting Eucharistic devotion and strengthening the global community of believers.
6. Ecuador: A Eucharistic Country since 1874
Ecuador has been known as a Eucharistic country since 1874, when President Gabriel García Moreno consecrated the nation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the city of Quito. This consecration was the first of its kind on the American continent and reflected the country’s deep commitment to faith. The ceremony was presided over by the Archbishop of Quito, José Ignacio Checa y Barba, and symbolized a pivotal moment in Ecuador’s religious history, establishing a tradition of devotion that endures to this day.
7. Quito: Eucharistic City
Quito, the capital of Ecuador, has been a central pillar in the country’s Eucharistic tradition. In 1949, Pope Pius XII declared Quito a “Eucharistic City,” a title that recognizes its fervor and commitment to Eucharistic devotion. This designation was reflected in events such as the 1949 National Eucharistic Congress, which attracted thousands of faithful and underscored Quito’s position as a Eucharistic spiritual center. The upcoming International Eucharistic Congress reaffirms this identity and highlights Quito’s relevance in global ecclesiastical history.The Meaning of the International Eucharistic Congress
8. Is it safe? Many precautions have been taken to ensure that the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, to be held from 8 to 15 September 2024 in Quito, will be safe for pilgrims. Quito, as a city was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and has a rich history and tradition.
9. Official Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, living bread come down from heaven: look upon the people of your heart who praise, worship and bless you this day.
As you gather us around your table to feed us with your Body,
help us to overcome all divisions, hatred and selfishness,
unite us as true brothers and sisters, children of the Heavenly Father.
Send us your Spirit of love, so that walking in the ways of fraternity –
peace, dialogue and forgiveness, we may work together to heal the wounds of the world. Amen
10. A Theological Symposium
Ecuador has been known as a Eucharistic country since 1874, when President Gabriel García Moreno consecrated the nation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the city of Quito. This consecration was the first of its kind on the American continent and reflected the country’s deep commitment to faith. The ceremony was presided over by the Archbishop of Quito, José Ignacio Checa y Barba, and symbolized a pivotal moment in Ecuador’s religious history, establishing a tradition of devotion that endures to this day.
7. Quito: Eucharistic City
Quito, the capital of Ecuador, has been a central pillar in the country’s Eucharistic tradition. In 1949, Pope Pius XII declared Quito a “Eucharistic City,” a title that recognizes its fervor and commitment to Eucharistic devotion. This designation was reflected in events such as the 1949 National Eucharistic Congress, which attracted thousands of faithful and underscored Quito’s position as a Eucharistic spiritual center. The upcoming International Eucharistic Congress reaffirms this identity and highlights Quito’s relevance in global ecclesiastical history.The Meaning of the International Eucharistic Congress
8. Is it safe? Many precautions have been taken to ensure that the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, to be held from 8 to 15 September 2024 in Quito, will be safe for pilgrims. Quito, as a city was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and has a rich history and tradition.
9. Official Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, living bread come down from heaven: look upon the people of your heart who praise, worship and bless you this day.
As you gather us around your table to feed us with your Body,
help us to overcome all divisions, hatred and selfishness,
unite us as true brothers and sisters, children of the Heavenly Father.
Send us your Spirit of love, so that walking in the ways of fraternity –
peace, dialogue and forgiveness, we may work together to heal the wounds of the world. Amen
10. A Theological Symposium
The Theological Symposium that precedes the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress is an opportunity to reflect on the intrinsic relationship that exists between the Eucharist and Fraternity in the context of a wounded world. It will seek to deepen the base document of the Congress and provide the Universal Church with a theological contribution that allows the development of Eucharistic Theology in its theoretical richness and in its demanding commitment to building a universal fraternity.
11. Official Hymn: The composers of the official anthem “Around your table” are Marco Antonio Espín and the Solideo group, composed of the Friars Oscar Santiago Castro España, OFM, José Duván Delgado Ruiz, OFM and Ángel Arturo Prieto Zagal, OFM. They are Catholic artists with a long history in Ecuador, dedicated to the service of evangelization through new and unpublished contemporary music. The Video of the official anthem contains images of the pastoral actions of our Church, as well as, it includes various realities of today's world; and for better interpretation, it has subtitles and sign language. We invite everyone to share it on their networks and above all to start singing it to make it our own.
12. How to Register at this LINK: Registration includes access to all the activities of the congress, a kit with materials, an application with digital content and participation in the opening and closing Eucharists. It does not include lodging, food or transportation. In addition to the educational activities, the Congress will include cultural moments and Eucharists in several languages, celebrated in historic churches in the center of Quito.