WATCH a Free Catholic Movie - Cottolengo: St. Joseph Benedict (2004) - Full Movie in English - Stars Massimo Wertmuller


Cottolengo: St. Joseph Benedict (2004) | Full Movie | Massimo Wertmuller | Massimo Bonetti
The amazing and inspiring life of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (1786 –1842) is beautifully depicted in this full-length feature film. Joseph was the firstborn of twelve children.

Struggles with his own health and schooling made him an unlikely candidate to become one who would bring relief and healing to thousands. He founded the Little House of Divine Providence in 1832, caring for orphans, the sick, the poor, and the needy. His work continues to this day and is said to serve over 8,000 people daily. In this dramatic video biography we get inside the man, his motives, his struggles and willingness to sacrifice. We experience his faith and his heart of love for and service to those in need. Viewers are inspired by an experience of a saint whose holiness elicits our respect, yet whose simplicity and compassion draw us close to his humanity and concern for those in need. Director: Paolo Damosso Writer: Paolo Damosso Starring: Massimo Wertmüller, Massimo Bonetti, Claudia Koll.
