Saint July 26 : St Anne and St. Joachim, Parents of Mary and Grandparents of Jesus!

Joachim (whose name means Yahweh prepares), was the father of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

Anne's name, who was the mother of Mary, derives from the Hebrew Hannah, meaning "grace."

They are not mentioned in the New Testament, and we must depend on apocryphal literature, chiefly the Protoevangelium of James, which dates back only to the second century.

In this document we are told that Anne, wife of Joachim, was advanced in years and that her prayers for a child had not been answered. Once as she prayed beneath a laurel tree near her home in Galilee, an angel appeared and said to her, "Anne, the Lord hath heard thy prayer and thou shalt conceive and bring forth, and thy seed shall be spoken of in all the world." Anne replied, "As the Lord my God liveth, if I beget either male or female, I will bring it as a gift to the Lord my God; and it shall minister to Him in holy things all the days of its life " And thus Anne became the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
