Pope Francis Sends Message in Latin Praising the USA for the National Eucharistic Congress and Revival

Pope Francis encourages the efforts of the National Eucharistic Revival in the United States, in a letter published on July 9th. He extends a special blessing to all those attending the National Eucharistic Congress.
The letter was addressed to Cardinal Luis Tagle, and was written in Latin. The Filipino Cardinal Tagle is the pro-prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Evangelization. He was appointed by Pope Francis in May as his special envoy to the National Eucharistic Congress. The event that will take place in Indianapolis from July 17–21
FULL TEXT - We are certain that the sacred mystery of Christ's Body and Blood will still occupy a visible place in all churches throughout the world; Again and again we fix our eyes on Him, in which, hoping for the multitude of God's mercies, we ask God for days that we may have some share with the holy apostles and martyrs born in heaven (cf. the Roman Canon). For from the angelic bread, springing forth as if from a spiritual fountain, the wholesomeness and abundance of the Lord's benefits flow abundantly and flow down. But the faithful who approach the heavenly banquet, strengthened by the protection of heaven, are able to work more vigorously and diligently in sustaining their daily duties.
For this reason, we were pleased to hear the news about the National Eucharistic Congress in the United States of America recently, which many will participate in Indianapolis between the 17th and 21st of the following July.
 Therefore, with the request received from the Venerable Brother, the Most Excellent and Reverend Timothy Broglio, Archbishop of the Military Ordinariate and President of the Conference of Bishops of the United States of North America, by which we are asked to send someone to represent the Holy Father. To you, Our Venerable Brother, we gladly run, since you fulfill a distinguished service for the good of the Church as Pro-Prefect of the Department for Evangelization.
In fact, considering this just request, we appoint you with these letters as OUR Extraordinary Mass for the solemn celebrations of the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis to be held on the said days. Indeed, all participants in this event will be encouraged so that, united with Jesus in the Most Sacred Sacrament of our Redemption, they are fully aware of the universal gifts they receive from heavenly food and can impart them to others.
You will greet the archbishop of the Military Ordinariate, the sacred presbyters, all the faithful assembled there, priests, religious men and women, public authorities and Christian lay faithful in Our name. You will encourage a more vigorous worship of the Eucharist and at the same time express Our benevolence to all participants. But now we wish that the faithful, refreshed with heavenly food, may achieve a happier age and spiritual prosperity.
Finally, at the same time, we beseech Almighty God to diligently fulfill the duty entrusted to you, so that the pastors and the faithful will be enriched by the Lord with many graces. Be the conciliator of the heavenly truth of gifts and be the blessing which we impart to you, Our Venerable Brother, most willingly in the Lord, and which we wish to extend to all those assembled.
Given at Rome, Lateran, on the 29th day of June, on the solemnity of Ss. Peter and Paul, Apostles, in the year 2014, our twelfth Pontificate.
