Gun Found on the Eve of Pope Francis' Visit to Trieste with an Investigation Ongoing

There was a gun found on the eve of the Pope's trip to Trieste in a trolley abandoned in the train station bar and the man who left it is wanted.
The local website "Il Piccolo" noted that the Bishop of Trieste said despite knowing of the situation the pope was calm: «He was calm and determined».
When Pope Francis left Trieste by helicopter on Sunday July 7th at 12:15 An alert had been raised less than 24 hours earlier, when on Saturday afternoon a Czech-made semi-automatic 9mm pistol, a CZ 75, with a magazine, 14 bullets and a visible serial number, was discovered in an abandoned suitcase at the train station. 
They are still looking for the man who abandoned it under the bar's video surveillance camera, that filmed him: he had an olive complexion, 1.75 tall, short hair, a shirt with a tiger drawn on it. His face is known, but not his identity.
In the exclusive images from tg1 , the man leaves his suitcase near a small table, then seems to look around and wait, before leaving. The luggage remains there for half an hour, before the local notifies the railway police, who in turn calls the bomb squad, as is standard procedure.
In addition to the weapon, the suitcase contains two pairs of shoes and clothes with Turkish brand labels . The Trieste prosecutor's office opened a file for a minor crime, in the absence of other elements: illegal possession of weapons. An investigation is ongoing.
There is no certain connection between the discovery and the Pope's visit, however it is decided to strengthen the security apparatus. Gis and Nocs, the anti-terrorism units of the Carabinieri and the police, arrived in Trieste . Everything is done with the utmost discretion: the special forces are partly mixed up in the crowd, in plain clothes . Facts that remain unknown until the revelation of Tg1, which took everyone by surprise in Trieste.
Source: Rai and
