Ghana's Farewell to Outgoing Nuncio Archbishop Henryk Jagodzinski and Welcomes Archbishop Julien Kaboré as New Nuncio

Farewell and Send Off Mass Honouring His Excellency, Most Rev. Henryk Miecyslaw
Jagodzinski, Outgoing Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana, Africa.

The Holy Father has appointed Rev. Monsignor Julien Kaboré (see below) as the new Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana. Monsignor Kaboré has also been elevated to the titular see of Milevi, with the dignity of Archbishop. Born on June 18, 1968, in Zorgho, Burkina Faso, Archbishop Kaboré was ordained a priest on July 8, 1995. He is a member of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Koupéla. Archbishop Kaboré holds a degree in Canon Law and has extensive experience in the diplomatic service of the Holy See. 

 Archbishop Kaboré succeeds Archbishop Henryk Mieczysław Jagodziński, who has been reassigned to a new post in Southern Africa.
On June 29, 2024, the Catholic Diocese of Damongo came together to bid farewell to H.E. Most
Rev. Henryk M. Jagodzinski, the outgoing Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana. The occasion was graced
with a special farewell Mass, coinciding with the solemn celebration of the Solemnity of Sts.
Peter and Paul, two pillars of the Catholic Church. The event was marked by a deep sense of
gratitude, gifts and a heartfelt send-off for Archbishop Jagodzinski, who has been appointed as
the Apostolic Nuncio to South Africa and Lesotho.

In a welcome address, Most Rev. Peter Paul Yelezoume Angkyier, Bishop of the Catholic
Diocese of Damongo, extended a warm welcome to all attendees. He drew a parallel between
national heroes and the Saints Peter and Paul, who are celebrated for their dedication and
courageous witness to the faith. 

Bishop Angkyier highlighted the importance of remembering
and honouring such great Apostles of the Church, as they embody the values that keep
communities united and strong; St. Peter who was chosen by the Lord to be Leader of the Church
and given the task to preach the Gospel especially among the Jewish Communities. And St. Paul
who became the chosen instrument of God to bring the Good News to the whole world.
Bishop Angkyier expressed his gratitude to His Excellency Jagodzinski's service in Ghana,
noting his significant contributions since his arrival on September 8th, 2020. The Apostolic
Nuncio’s pastoral visits, including his two visits to Damongo in August 2021 and December
2023, were particularly remembered. His engagement with the local church, including the
inauguration of the Stations of the Cross at the Diocesan Pilgrimage Centre in Our Lady of
Annunciation Grotto, Sonyo, left an indelible mark on the entire Catholic Faithful of the

In his homily, His Excellency Jagodzinski reflected on the profound significance of the day,
celebrating the lives of Sts. Peter and Paul, who laid the foundation of the Church. He expressed
his deep appreciation for the friendship and cooperation he received from Bishop Angkyier, the
Priests, Religious and the Faithful of the Diocese. The Nuncio acknowledged the challenges
faced by the priests and laity in their mission of proclaiming the Gospel and administering the
Sacraments, assuring them of Christ's reward for their dedication.
His Excellency, Jagodzinski also shared a personal note of gratitude, recalling his various visits
to the Diocese and the hospitality he received. He thanked the Faithful of Diocese for their
steadfast faith and witness to Christ, emphasizing that they would always hold a special place in
his heart.
The Nuncio reiterated the timeless message of the Apostles Peter and Paul, urging the faithful to
remain steadfast in their faith and commitment to Christ. He reminded them of the crucial
question posed by Jesus: "Who do you say that I am?" This question, he stressed, demands a personal and life-transforming response from each believer.
In concluding his homily, His Excellency Jagodzinski invoked the words of Pope Francis,
encouraging everyone to renew their commitment to Jesus not just in words but through their
actions and lives. In the Process of conversion, both Apostles experienced the gratuitous
compassion and forgiveness of the Lord. They are our ancestors in the faith, the ones who have
handed over to us the message of life. Finally, He blessed the congregation, praying for a
strengthened faith and inspired Christian witness.
The farewell Mass was a poignant reminder of the unity and continuity within the Catholic
Church, built on the foundation laid by the Apostles and sustained through the dedicated service
of its leaders and faithful. As His Excellency Jagodzinski prepares for his new mission in South
Africa and Lesotho, the Diocese of Damongo sends him forth with heartfelt prayers and
blessings for a fruitful ministry.
The farewell Mass, imbued with the spirit of gratitude and hope, was a fitting tribute to His
Excellency Jagodzinski’s impactful service in Ghana. The event underscored the ever-loving
bond between the Nuncio and the local church in the Diocese and Ghana as a whole, a bond that
will continue to inspire and strengthen the community for years to come.
Written by Gogu Edwin
Editor: Rev. Fr. Peter Akomanyi Tawiah
