Desire to Imitate the US National Eucharistic Congress in Other Countries Increases to Grow Faith in the Eucharist Around the World!

Australia's Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, Bishop Richard Umbers was invited to act as a spokesman at the National Eucharistic Congress daily press briefing.
Speaking to several journalists from around the globe, Bishop Umbers told the group that the US event had caught the attention of the Catholic world.
“We are very interested in learning all the aspects of the journey to this national congress… We’ve been following this revival, and it has captured our imagination.”
As the both the Australian and New Zealand Catholic Bishop’s Conferences delegate to the International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador this September, Bishop Umbers affirmed that he would be analyzing both congresses as Australia advances its request to host the 2028 International Eucharistic Congress in Sydney.
“I will be going to Quito and I will be taking a group of people with me. We will have an observation team and a pilgrimage to see where we can learn because we love holding events such as these in Australia,” Bishop Umbers said.
More than 50,000 people from all 50 US states and 17 countries have descended on Indianapolis this week to celebrate the first National Eucharistic Congress held in the United States since the beginning of World War 2
The event has seen Mass celebrated daily in more than 43 languages, led by more than 200 Bishops and close to 1,500 priests.
Bishop Umbers explained that following the COVID pandemic the Plenary Council voted to pursue a bid for an International Eucharistic Congress in Australia to recharge the Catholic community and bring people back to Mass.
“COVID had hit us hard, we really need to revitalise ourselves in appreciation of the work of the Lord and worship together.
“We talk about real presence, but for that we need to be present, and present in the liturgy…. it has been an amazing experience that we can all gather so many people.”
Journalists were also keen to enquire if Australia was facing the same adversities regarding the erosion of religious freedom and attacks on Judeo-Christian values.
“The Catholic Church in Australia is the largest non-government provider of education, healthcare and social services and we are increasingly noticing a squeeze on being able to operate according to our faith,” Bishop Umbers said.
Bishop Umbers stated he believes that in both the United States and Australia these attacks are one of the reasons why we are seeing such a resurgence in popular piety, as people look to proudly profess their faith.
“The world is so connected. The kinds of challenges you’re facing here in the United States are very similar to the ones we are facing in Australia.
“Even culturally with the intellectual battles taking place, identifying yourself as a Christian or a Catholic in everyday life is to take it on the chin.
“This is one reason why more Catholics are going out on the street and saying we believe in Jesus.”
Source: The Catholic Weekly