Another Priest Arrested in Nicaragua - Reportedly Abducted by the Government

Another Catholic priest in Nicaragua has reportedly been abducted by its government. Father Frutos Constantino Valle Salmerón, administrator “ad omnia” of the Diocese of Estelí in Nicaragua, age 80 years old, was taken. He has dedicated 50 years to the priestly life. He was appointed Ad Omnia Administrator by the Vatican and was kidnapped by the National Police. The priest also suffers from multiple illnesses.According to information from dissident media in Nicaragua, the priest was taken to the National Seminary of Our Lady of Fatima in Managua , where he “is subjected to the regime of a 'seminary as a prison'”, since that place is, according to the same sources, “under 24-hour police surveillance”.

In the same diocese the regime prohibited priestly ordination 

Three deacons were to be ordained on Saturday, July 27, by the bishop of Jinotega and president of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua, Monsignor Carlos Enrique Herrera

The regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, through the Police, prohibited the priestly ordination of three deacons of the Diocese of Estelí, which was scheduled for this Saturday, July 27, in the cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary, in the so-called Diamante de las Segovias.

The reasons for the incident are still unknown, but an ecclesiastical source confirmed that the priestly ordination ceremony of deacons Kelin José Martínez Rayo, Wendell Fuentes Chavarría and Ervin Joel Hernández Umanzor was suspended.

"Only the police arrived to see Father Frutos (Valle Salmerón — administrator 'Ad Omnia' of the Diocese of Estelí — to tell him that the ordination was not authorized," revealed an ecclesiastical source.

The ceremony will be presided over by Monsignor Carlos Enrique Herrera, bishop of the Diocese of Jinotega and president of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua, whom Mosaico CSI was unable to contact on Thursday, July 25.

A week earlier, Monsignor Herrera was able to ordain a priest and seven new deacons in the cathedral of Matagalpa. The Diocese of Estelí, which includes the departments of Nueva Segovia, Madriz and Estelí, has been in a period of vacant seat since July 6, 2021, when Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Bishop Juan Abelardo Mata Guevara and appointed the Bishop of Matagalpa, Monsignor Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, as Apostolic Administrator of that ecclesiastical jurisdiction.

However, in the persecution of the Church by the Ortega Murillo regime, in August 2022, Monsignor Álvarez was forced into confinement for 15 days first in Matagalpa and then in Managua, until on February 9, 2023, he was imprisoned in La Modelo, the Tipitapa Penitentiary System, Managua. On February 10, 2023, he was sentenced without trial to 26 years and 4 months in prison, but on January 13, 2024, he was exiled and sent to Rome along with other clerics, including the bishop of Siuna, Monsignor Isidoro Mora.

