3 Girls Lose their Lives and 8 Injured at Knife Attack in England - Christian Leaders Issue Statement "Life is a precious gift...We pray for those who remain..."

Three young girls were killed in a knife attack in Southport, England, at a Taylor Swift-themed dance event. They have been named as six-year-old Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe, aged seven, and nine-year-old Alice Dasilva Aguiar. Eight more children were injured, with five left in a critical condition, after the incident late on July 29th in the morning. Two adults also suffered critical injuries, Merseyside Police said. Armed officers detained a male and seized a knife, with police later saying that a 17-year-old boy had been arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder. The attack is not being treated as terror-related, police said. (Source: BBC) Catholic Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, the Archbishop of Liverpool, and Bishop Tom Neylon, Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool, have signed a joint statement with other local Christian leaders after the horrific attack that took place in Southport on 29 July 2024.
Pictured are Alice, Bebe and Elsie (left to right) Merseyside Police can confirm the names of the three girls who were tragically killed in Southport on Monday (29 July). They are Bebe King, six; Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven; and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine. Their families, who are being supported by specialist officers, have issued photographs and have asked that their privacy is respected at this time.
Statement from Archbishop Malcolm OP following the attack in Southport
We hold in our thoughts and prayers all those involved in the Major Incident in Southport.
For those who have been injured, for those who are parents, family, and friends of the injured, for all involved in the emergency services, we pray for God’s blessing, God’s peace, and God’s presence today.
Let us commend all to the loving intercession of Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted as we pray for peace, healing, and justice.
My prayers are with you.
Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP
Archbishop of Liverpool ...

Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, the Archbishop of Liverpool, and Bishop Tom Neylon, Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool, have signed a joint statement with other local Christian leaders after the horrific attack that took place in Southport on 29 July 2024:

Issued by Churches Together in Merseyside, the statement reads:
As church leaders, and on behalf of those we represent, we share with others across our communities our sense of shock, sadness and horror at the events which took place in Southport on 29 July. Life is a precious gift, and for it to be taken from children so young is truly heartbreaking.
We offer our sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of all of those whose lives have been lost. We pray for those who remain critically ill and injured. We hold everyone affected by this awful event in our hearts and our prayers and call upon people of all faiths and none to come together to support them in whatever way we can.
We express our thanks to the members of the emergency services and to the medical professionals for their commitment and service in the face of this of this horrific attack.
We commit ourselves afresh to standing against brutality and violence in every form and doing all we can to build safe, caring and strong communities.
The Christian leaders also offered a short prayer for anyone seeking consolation.
Gracious God,
Words alone cannot express our sadness and disbelief
Our heartbreak and anguish
When such precious lives are so brutally stolen.
We offer to you the cries of our own hearts
And pray for those families whose grief and loss
Is impossible to comprehend.
Help us all to cling to hope
Even amidst this senseless brutality.
Be close to all whose lives have been so cruelly scarred;
Surround them with your love;
Hold them fast in their sorrow,
And grant them strength amidst their unbearable pain.
We cannot escape our anger and devastation,
But choose to seek hope even amidst this darkness.
For all its horror, may it spur us even more
To never surrender to despair,
But build a world where peace, hope and love prevail. Amen

Revd Dr Sheryl Anderson
Chair, Liverpool Methodist District

Rt Revd Julie Conalty
Bishop of Birkenhead

Revd Geoff Felton
Moderator, Mersey Synod, The United Reformed Church

The Very Revd Dr Sue Jones
Dean of Liverpool Anglican Cathedral

Revd Phil Jump
Chair, Churches Together in Merseyside
Regional Minister, North West Baptist Association

Rt Revd Beverley A Mason
Bishop of Warrington

Most Reverend Malcolm McMahon OP
Archbishop of Liverpool

Rt Rev Tom Neylon
Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Canon Tony O’Brien
Dean of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Rt Revd Dr John Perumbalath
Bishop of Liverpool

Major David Taylor
District Commander, Salvation Army North West Division
A Prayer for Southport
Sources: https://www.cbcew.org.uk/statement-from-archbishop-malcolm-op-following-the-attacks-in-southport/
