Wow 30,000 at March for Life in Italy with Many Families and Pope Francis' Encouragement “Move forward with courage despite all adversity” VIDEO

30,000 (a figure reported by Agenzia SIR) people attended Italy's March for Life on the streets of Rome on Saturday, June 22, 2024. Thousands of joyful mothers, fathers, youth, and children brought life to the national demonstration with the motto "Let's Choose Life." This was the most important public event in Italy to defend and promote the dignity of human life from conception to natural death. 130 organizations participated. In a message Pope Francis thanked those who prepared and those who participated in the march by giving "public testimony in defense of human life from conception to natural death."
“Move forward with courage despite all adversity” is the message – read on stage – that Pope Francis sent to organizers and participants. “the stakes, that is, the absolute dignity of human life, a gift of God the Creator – continued the Pontiff – are too high to be the subject of compromises or mediations. No compromises are made on human life!”.MA QUANTO È STATO PAZZESCO???
— Pro Vita & Famiglia (@ProVitaFamiglia) June 23, 2024
Ieri siamo scesi in piazza in 30.000 per difendere il diritto alla vita dal concepimento alla morte naturale.
Si è alzata forte a Roma la voce di migliaia di persone per chiedere la fine dell’aborto, una pratica barbara e disumana che sopprime la…
The organizers report that the march was attended by families expected from all over Italy (numerous buses were organised). The march began at Piazza della Repubblica around 2pm and arrived at Via Cavour at the Fori Imperiali, at the Altare della Patria.
Among the requests promoted by the National Demonstration for Life is the "no" to the culture of waste and to any practice that violates the intrinsic dignity of human life, starting with abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide and manipulation or destruction of embryos for reproductive purposes.
“This demonstration wants to be a clear contrast to the culture of death as Saint John Paul II called it and the culture of waste as Pope Francis calls it, and at the same time it wants to be a strong promotion of the beauty of opening oneself to life, which is why it will be a joyful procession ”, said the neurosurgeon from Brescia and spokesperson of the event: Massimo Gandolfini. The president of Family Day spoke of the inspiration received from the Document of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Dignitas Infinita, which he defines as enlightening: "The dignity of life is infinite and does not need other attributions because every living being, from conception to natural death, is the bearer of human dignity and as such must be recognized and respected".
Gandolfini recalls that the mortifying culture of these times "is poisoning our societies", according to the spokesperson of the event one of the fruits of this culture is the decline in birth rate which is particularly affecting Italy, then he focuses on the discarding of the elderly and of the sick and asks that dignified accompaniment to death with palliative care be guaranteed. Furthermore, Gandolfini underlines the need to protect motherhood and unborn life by also contrasting practices that violate and commodify the lives of mothers and children, such as surrogate motherhood. Finally, Gandolfini urges society and the world of politics to support families, because "the family is the cradle that welcomes life and the place of education of each individual until adulthood despite all the social problems that exist". “Supporting life and family means supporting the common good and having a lively hope for the future” concludes Gandolfini.