RIP Al Kresta - Death of Ave Maria Catholic Radio Host of “Kresta in the Afternoon”

Al Kresta, former Catholic radio host and convert to Catholicism, has died at the age of 73.  Ave Maria Radio announced that Al Kresta passed into his eternal reward on June 15, 2024. They wrote: Al passed into eternal life surrounded by his family. Over the last week of his life, Al was visited by his friends and loved ones, who had a chance to express their love for him and say goodbye.
LISTEN to his Conversion Story below: 

Obituary by Ave Maria Radio
Al was a devoted husband and father, as well as an exemplary teacher and preacher of the faith of Jesus Christ. He was a broadcaster, writer, and author who was, first of all, a missionary. He was President and CEO of Ave Maria Radio and host of “Kresta in the Afternoon.” He drew upon his unique faith background to create what was, arguably, the most fascinating — and most spiritually constructive — talk radio program on the radio in its day.
For the past 27 years, Al has committed his work of teaching and preaching to the apostolate that is Ave Maria Radio.
Ave Maria Radio employs broadcast radio, mobile technology, the internet, and social media platforms – to offer news, analysis, teaching, devotions and music,to demonstrate the Good News that Jesus is Lord over all areas of life.

Through these means, Al and the Ave Maria Radio team demosntrates that the teaching of Christ, through His Church, offers a rational view of the world, a deep sense of spirituality, a firm family life, enhanced human relationships, creative use of reason and scholarship and the creation of a culture of life and love.
Above all, Ave Maria Radio seeks to keep before listeners the one thing necessary: to seek first God’s Kingdom and conform our lives to Christ by means of His Spirit.

Ave Maria Radio seeks to build the Church so that we might Bless the Nations!


The entire Kresta family remains Al’s greatest legacy to the Church and the world, and Ave Maria Radio is the great fruit of that legacy.
Ave Maria Radio continues Al’s legacy by Producing or Broadcasting 20 unique radio programs
Fostering an ongoing partnership with EWTN
Creating a new partnership with Annunciation Radio
Partnering with other local and national apostolate
Building new stations in Lansing and Florida
Creating New and Fresh Programming
Through Al’s fidelity to Christ’s call, Ave Maria Radio remains strong and confident about moving forward into its future, continuing and expanding the vision of Christ for this great work of evangelization. Ave Maria Radio is poised to move into the great new horizons that God has laid out for it.

