Pope Francis says Read the Psalms with Faith as they "help us to open ourselves to a prayer that is less focused on ourselves" - "and “breathe” God, every time they are read with faith."

in the Vatican's Saint Peter's Square on Wednesday, 19 June 2024

The following text includes parts that were not read out loud, but should be considered as such.
Cycle of Catechesis. The Spirit and the Bride. The Holy Spirit guides the people of God towards Jesus our hope. 4. The Spirit teaches the Bride to pray. The Psalms, symphony of prayer in the Bible
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!
In preparation for the next Jubilee, I invited the devotion of the year 2024 “to a great ‘symphony’ of prayer”. [1] With today’s catechesis, I would like to recall that the Church already possesses a symphony of prayer, whose composer is the Holy Spirit, and it is the Book of Psalms.

As in any symphony, it contains various “movements”, that is, various genres of prayer: praise, thanksgiving, supplication, lamentation, narration, sapiential reflection, and others, both in the personal form and in the choral form of the whole people. These are the songs that the Spirit himself has placed on the lips of the Bride, His Church. All the Books of the Bible, I mentioned last time, are inspired by the Holy Spirit, but the Book of Psalms is also so in the sense that it is full of poetic inspiration.

The Psalms have had a special place in the New Testament. Indeed, there were and still are editions that contain the New Testament and the Psalms together. On my desk I have an edition in Ukrainian of this New Testament of Psalms from a soldier who died in the war, that was sent to me. And he prayed on the front with this book. Not all the Psalms – and not all of every Psalm – can be repeated and made their own by Christians and even less by modern man. They reflect, at times, a historical situation and a religious mentality that are no longer our own. This does not mean that they are not inspired, but in certain aspects they are linked to a time and a temporary stage of revelation, as is also the case with a large part of ancient legislation.

What most commends the Psalms to our attention is that they were the prayer of Jesus, Mary, the Apostles and all the Christian generations that have preceded us. When we recite them, God listens to them with that grandiose “orchestration” that is the community of saints. Jesus, according to the Letter to the Hebrews, enters into the world with a verse from a Psalm in His heart: “Lo, I have come to do thy will, O God” (cf. Heb 10:7; Ps 40:9), and He leaves the world, according to the Gospel of Luke, with another verse on His lips: “Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit” (Lk 23:46, cf. Ps 31:6).

The use of psalms in the New Testament is followed by that of the Fathers and the entire Church, which makes them a fixed element in the celebration of the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours. “All the Sacred Scripture breathes the goodness of God”, says Saint Ambrose, “but in particular the sweet book of the Psalms” [2], the sweet book of the Psalms. I wonder: do you pray with the Psalms sometimes? Take the Bible or the New Testament, and pray a Psalm. For example, when you are a bit sad for having sinned, do you pray Psalm 50? There are many Psalms that help us keep going. Form the habit of praying with the Psalms. I assure you that you would be happy in the end.

But we cannot only live on the legacy of the past: it is necessary to make the Psalms our prayer. It was written that, in a certain sense, we must ourselves become the “scribes” of the Psalms, making them ours and praying with them. [3] If there are Psalms, or just verses, that speak to our heart, it is good to repeat them and pray them during the day. The Psalms are prayers “for all seasons”: there is no state of mind or need that does not find in them the best words to be transformed into prayer. Unlike other prayers, the Psalms do not lose their effectiveness by dint of being repeated; on the contrary, they increase it. Why? Because they are inspired by God and “breathe” God, every time they are read with faith.

If we feel oppressed by remorse or guilt, because we are sinners, we can repeat with David: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy steadfast love” (Ps 51:1), Psalm 51. If we want to express a strong personal bond with love, let us say: “O God, thou art my God / I seek thee, / my soul thirsts for thee; / my flesh faints for thee, / as in a dry and weary land where no water is” (Ps 63:1), Psalm 63. It is not for nothing that the Liturgy has inserted this Psalm in the Lauds of Sunday and the solemnities. And if fear and anguish assail us, those wonderful words of Psalm 23 come to our rescue: “The Lord is my shepherd … Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, / I fear no evil” (Ps 23:1,4).

The Psalms allow us not to impoverish our prayer by reducing it merely to requests, to a continuous “give me, give us…”. We learn from the Lord’s Prayer, that before asking for our “daily bread”, says, “Hallowed by thy name; thy Kingdom come, thy will be done”. The Psalms help us to open ourselves to a prayer that is less focused on ourselves: a prayer of praise, of blessing, of thanksgiving; and they also help us give voice to all creation, involving it in our praise.

Brothers and sisters, may the Holy Spirit, who gave the Church Bride the words to pray to her divine Bridegroom, help us to make them resound in the Church today, and to make this year of preparation for the Jubilee a true symphony of prayer. Thank you!


[1] Letter to Archbishop Fisichella for the Jubilee 2025 (11 February 2022).

[2] Comment on the Psalms I, 4, 7: CSEL 64,4-7.

[3] Giovanni Cassiano, Conlationes, X,11: SCh 54, 92-93.



Tomorrow will be World Refugee Day, promoted by the United Nations. May it be an occasion to turn an attentive and fraternal gaze to all those who are compelled to flee their homes in search of peace and security. We are all required to welcome, promote, accompany and integrate those who knock on our doors. I pray that States will strive to ensure humane conditions for refugees and to facilitate integration processes.
I extend a cordial welcome to the Italian-speaking pilgrims.

In particular, I greet the Association "Friends of Cardinal Celso Costantini", accompanied by the Bishop of the Diocese of Concordia-Pordenone Giuseppe Pellegrini, on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the Concilium Sinense of Shanghai. And this also makes me think of the dear Chinese people. Let us always pray for this noble and courageous people, who have such a beautiful culture. Let us pray for the Chinese people.

I am pleased to welcome the members of the Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Rome, the members of the "Federazione Donne Arti Professioni Affari" of Sicily, the members of the Solidarity Cooperative of Binetto (Bari), - these Apulians are strong! - and the faithful of the Secular Order of the Servants of Mary who are celebrating the centenary of the approval of the Rule of Life. May a visit to the tombs of the Apostles arouse a renewed spiritual fervor in everyone's heart.

Finally, my thoughts go to the sick, the elderly, newlyweds and in particular young people. The day after tomorrow we will celebrate the liturgical memory of Saint Luigi Gonzaga, who loved life and therefore spent it entirely for the great Christian ideals; May he help you to rediscover the vocation to holiness in generous giving to God and your brothers.

Brothers and sisters, let us continue to pray for peace. War is always a defeat, from the beginning. We pray for peace in the tormented Ukraine, in the Holy Land, in Sudan, Myanmar and wherever people suffer from war. We pray every day for peace.

And my blessing to all of you!

Special Greetings

I extend a cordial welcome to the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, especially the groups from Australia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Vietnam. I invoke upon you and your families the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you!

Source: Vatican.va with Screenshot from Vatican Media
