Pope Francis says "Having known so many tragic stories of drug addicts and their families, I am convinced that it is a moral duty to end the production and trafficking of these dangerous substances."

Saint Peter's Square - Wednesday, 26 June 2024
The following text includes parts that were not read out loud, but should be considered as such.
Catechesis. On the occasion of the International Day. Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! I can’t hear you!
Today marks International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1987. This year’s theme is The evidence is clear: Invest in prevention.
St. John Paul II affirmed, “Drug abuse impoverishes every community where it exists. It diminishes human strength and moral fibre. It undermines esteemed values. It destroys the will to live and to contribute to a better society.”

[1] This drives the abuse of drugs and the use of drugs. At the same time, however, let us remember that each addict “has a unique personal story and must be listened to, understood, loved, and, insofar as possible, healed and purified… They continue to possess, more than ever, a dignity as children of God.”[2] Everyone has dignity.
However, we cannot ignore the evil intentions and actions of drug dealers and traffickers. They are murderers. Pope Benedict XVI used stern words during a visit to a therapeutic community. This is what Pope Benedict said: “I therefore urge the drug-dealers to reflect on the grave harm they are inflicting on countless young people and on adults from every level of society: God will call you to account for your deeds. Human dignity cannot be trampled upon in this way.”[3] And drugs trample on human dignity.
A reduction in drug addiction is not achieved by liberalizing drug use – this is a fantasy! – as has been proposed by some, or has already implemented, in some countries. It’s like this: you liberalize and drugs are consumed even more. Having known so many tragic stories of drug addicts and their families, I am convinced that it is a moral duty to end the production and trafficking of these dangerous substances. How many traffickers of death there are – because drug traffickers are traffickers of death! – how many traffickers of death there are, driven by the logic of power and money at any cost! And this scourge, which produces violence and sows suffering and death, demands an act of courage from our society as a whole.
Drug production and trafficking also have a destructive impact on our common home. This has become increasingly evident, for example, in the Amazon basin.
Another key way to counter drug abuse and trafficking is through prevention, which is done by promoting greater justice, educating young people in values that build personal and community life, accompanying those in need, and giving hope for the future.
In my journeys in different dioceses and countries, I have been able to visit several recovery communities inspired by the Gospel. They are a strong and hopeful witness to the commitment of priests, consecrated men and women, and lay people to put into practice the parable of the Good Samaritan. So too, I am comforted by the efforts undertaken by various bishops’ conferences to promote just legislation and policies regarding the treatment of people addicted to drug use, and prevention to stop this scourge.
As an example, I point to the network of La Pastoral Latinoamericana de Acompañamiento y Prevençión de Adicciones (PLAPA). The charter of this network recognizes that “addiction to alcohol, psychoactive substances, and other forms of addiction (pornography, new technologies, etc.) ... is a problem that affects us indiscriminately, beyond geographical, social, cultural, religious and age differences. Despite the differences ... we want to organize as a community: to share experiences, enthusiasm, difficulties.”[4]
I also mention the Bishops of southern Africa, who in November 2023 convened a meeting on “Empowering youth as agents of peace and hope.” Youth representatives present at the meeting recognized that assembly as a “significant milestone geared toward healthy and active YOUTH throughout the region.” They have also made a promise. Their promise goes like this: “We accept the role of being Ambassadors and Advocates who are going to fight against the use of substances. We plead with all young people to always be empathetic to one another at all times.”[5]
Dear brothers and sisters, faced with the tragic – it is tragic, isn’t it? – the tragic situation of drug addiction of millions of people around the world, faced with the scandal of the illicit production and trafficking of such drugs, “we cannot be indifferent. The Lord Jesus paused, drew near, healed wounds. In the style of His closeness, we too are called to act, to pause before situations of fragility and pain, to know how to listen to the cry of loneliness and anguish, to stoop to lift up and bring back to life those who fall into the slavery of drugs.”[6] And we pray, too, for these criminals who spend and give drugs to the young: they are criminals, they are murderers. Let us pray for their conversion.
On this World Drug Day, as Christians and church communities, let us pray for this intention and renew our commitment of prayer and work against drugs. Thank you!
[1]  Message to representatives of the International Conference on “Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” (4 June 1987).
[2] Address to participants in the meeting sponsored by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on “Narcotics: Problems and Solutions to this Global Issue (24 November 2016).
[3] Address to the community living in “Fazenda da Esperança” , Brazil, 12 May 2007.
[4] https://adn.celam.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Carta-a-la-Iglesia-de-ALC-PLAPA-14sept2023-CL.pdf
[5] https://imbisa.africa/2023/11/21/statement-following-the-imbisa-youth-meeting/
[6] Message to the participants in the 60th International Congress of Forensic Toxicologists (26 August 2023).
Finally, my thoughts are with the young, the sick, the elderly and the newlyweds. Next Saturday we will celebrate the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Patrons of Rome. Be missionary disciples following their example, bearing witness everywhere to the beauty of the Gospel. We entrust to their intercession the populations suffering from war: the tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, so that they can soon find peace.
Special Greetings
I extend a cordial welcome to the Italian-speaking pilgrims.
In particular, to the faithful of the parishes of San Michele Arcangelo in Casagiove, of the Madonna dei Poveri in Seminara and of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Ortona.
I also greet the soldiers of the Economic-Financial Police School of the Guardia di Finanza.
I warmly welcome the children and young people of the "Gabry Dance" Association of Poggiomarino, accompanied by their families and sports educators.

My blessing to all.I extend a warm welcome to all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors, especially the groups from England, Germany, Congo, Australia, India, the Philippines, Vietnam and the United States of America. In a particular way, I greet the many student groups, together with their teachers. Upon you and your families I invoke the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. May God bless you all!
 Je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française. Comme serviteurs de l’Évangile de la miséricorde, puissions-nous soulager, soigner et guérir les souffrances liées à la drogue afin que toute personne sous l’emprise d’addiction se sente aidée et accompagnée. Que Dieu vous bénisse.

[Saluto cordialmente i pellegrini di lingua francese. In quanto servitori del Vangelo della misericordia, possiamo alleviare, guarire e curare le sofferenze procurate dalle droghe, affinché coloro che sono nella morsa della dipendenza si sentano aiutati e accompagnati. Che Dio vi benedica.]

Liebe Brüder und Schwestern deutscher Sprache, die weite Verbreitung von Drogenmissbrauch ist ein deutliches Indiz für die große innere Not so vieler Menschen unserer Zeit. Begegnen wir unseren Mitmenschen mit Achtsamkeit, damit wir rechtzeitig erkennen können, wo unsere Hilfe gebraucht wird. Gott segne und beschütze euch!

[Cari fratelli e sorelle di lingua tedesca, l’abuso di droghe indica la grande sofferenza interiore di tante persone del nostro tempo. Cerchiamo di essere più attenti nei riguardi del nostro prossimo, per poter capire in tempo dove c’è bisogno del nostro aiuto. Dio vi benedica e vi protegga!]

Saludo cordialmente a los peregrinos de lengua española. Veo que son muchos en esta audiencia. Pidámosle a Jesús, nuestro Buen Samaritano, que no seamos indiferentes frente al sufrimiento que las drogas provocan en tantas familias y comunidades. Que Jesús los bendiga y la Virgen Santa los cuide. Muchas gracias.

Queridos peregrinos de língua portuguesa, especialmente os que vieram de Portugal e do Brasil, envio-vos uma calorosa saudação. Continuem a nutrir a vossa fé e a partilhar com alegria o amor de Cristo nas vossas comunidades. O vosso entusiasmo seja inspirado pelos Santos Pedro e Paulo, que celebraremos proximamente. Que o Senhor vos encha de bênçãos e vos guie sempre no vosso caminho.

[Cari pellegrini di lingua portoghese, in particolare quelli provenienti dal Portogallo e dal Brasile, vi rivolgo un caloroso saluto. Continuate a nutrire la vostra fede e a condividere con gioia l'amore di Cristo nelle vostre comunità. Il vostro entusiasmo sia ispirato dai Santi Pietro e Paolo, che celebreremo prossimamente. Che il Signore vi colmi di benedizioni e vi guidi sempre nel vostro cammino.]

أُحَيِّي المُؤمِنينَ النَّاطِقينَ باللغَةِ العربِيَّة. مكافَحَةُ سوءِ استعمالِ المخدَّراتِ هي معركةٌ مِن أجلِ كرامةِ الإنسان، ومِن أجلِ الأملِ في مستقبلٍ أفضلَ للجميع. باركَكُم الرّبُّ جَميعًا وحَماكُم دائِمًا مِن كُلِّ شَرّ!

[Saluto i fedeli di lingua araba. La lotta contro l’abuso di droghe è una battaglia per la dignità umana e per la speranza di un futuro migliore per tutti. Il Signore vi benedica tutti e vi protegga ‎sempre da ogni male‎‎‎‏!]

Serdecznie pozdrawiam Polaków. Życzę wam, aby rozpoczynające się wakacje były okazją nie tylko do odpoczynku fizycznego, ale także do odnowy duchowej oraz umacniania więzi z Bogiem i bliskimi wam osobami. Ale wakacje są też czasem, gdy wielu młodych ludzi sięga po raz pierwszy po środki odurzające. Niech ten przypadający dziś Międzynarodowy Dzień Zapobiegania Narkomanii przypomina, aby szczególnie zadbać o bezpieczeństwo dzieci i młodzieży. Z serca wam błogosławię.

[Saluto cordialmente i polacchi. Vi auguro che le vacanze che state per iniziare diventino un’occasione non solo di riposo fisico, ma anche di rinnovamento spirituale e di rafforzamento del rapporto con Dio e con le persone a voi care. Il periodo delle vacanze è però anche un momento in cui molti giovani si avvicinano per la prima volta alle sostanze stupefacenti: che la Giornata mondiale contro l’abuso di droga, che ricorre oggi, ricordi di prestare una particolare attenzione alla sicurezza dei bambini e dei giovani. Vi benedico di cuore.]
