Human Skeleton Found Near Vatican by Workers at a Construction Site for the Jubilee of 2025

A human skeleton a few meters below the road. This was the discovery faced by the workers in action on the construction site in Piazza Pia, a few steps from the Vatican. The discovery took place in the square overlooking Via della Conciliazione during the excavation works of the new underpass, a key work of the Jubilee.
The human skeleton was unearthed and the remains have been cataloged and were taken away for work to resume. The police were immediately notified of the discovery, to try to establish its origin and dating, or how long it had been underground. The skeleton was handed over to the relevant authorities for examination. A preliminary investigation discovered that the bones probably date back to sometime between 1600-1800, according to Italian news reports.
The discovery was made on Friday morning at the Piazza Pia work site between Castel S. Angelo and Via della Conciliazione, the street leading to St Peter's Square, according to Italian media reports. The project, scheduled for completion by December, will see traffic channelled underground to meet the existing Lungotevere in Sassia underpass, built as part of the works for the Jubilee. In 2019 three human skeletons - an adult male, an adult female and a child, probably a family - were discovered during works outside the Piramide subway station in Rome. Archaeologists said that the skeletons, dating to the first century BC, had been buried in the vast Necropolis Ostiense.
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