Wow Catholic Church in France Reveals an Increase of Converts and Vocations with 105 Priests to be Ordained this Year!

The Catholic Bishops' Conference of France announced an increase in the number of priests to be ordained in the country. The vast majority of ordinations of priests in France will take place in the month of June, in particular on the Sunday which precedes the solemnity of the apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul, pillars of the Church, celebrated on June 29.
How many new priests will be ordained this year in France?
For the year 2024, 105 priests will be ordained, distributed as follows:73 diocesan priests
35 religious and community members (respectively numbering 16 religious and 19 community members – 9 of them already being counted among the 73 diocesan priests)
3 members of societies of apostolic life (MEP, 1 of whom is already counted among the 73 diocesan priests)
4 priests ordained in the Institutes under the former Ecclesia Dei commission , celebrating according to the Roman Missal of 1962 (before the reform of Vatican II )
Beyond the announcement of the number of priests ordained for the year 2024, the press conference given on June 19, 2024 – the first organized on ordinations by the CEF since its creation in May 1964, 60 years ago – was the opportunity for Mgr Bertrand Lacombe, Archbishop of Auch, member of the Council for ordained ministers and lay people on ecclesial missions (CEMOLEME) and President of the National Diaconate Council (CND), to recall:
1/ the essential mission of the priest in the Church and the meaning of this mission today, within an increasingly secularized French society,
2/ the current reflections of the bishops as well as the initiatives launched in the dioceses in order to encourage vocations.
Alongside Mgr Bertrand Lacombe, Jason Nioka, future priest of the diocese of Meaux who will be ordained at the end of June, also gave his testimony on the genesis of his vocation , of his years of training at the seminary , and his vision of the ministry that he getting ready to practice in a few days.

If the entire universal Church is today engaged in a synodal approach initiated by Pope Francis, Mgr Bertrand Lacombe was keen to recall the essential role of priests in the life of the Church, and to show them recognition and the gratitude of all the bishops of France for the gift they make of their lives, in the service of others and of the Church. “ Beautiful ministry to priests who respond to the spiritual expectations of our time: the adventure is worth the effort and enlightens the world! “, he encouraged them.
Meeting the spiritual expectations of our time
L'CEF “Catechumenate” survey of March 2024 showed that each year, there are more people, young and old, who wish to receive baptism , the Eucharist , confirmation . Among students, it is very clear. In more rural dioceses, like that of Auch which I have the joy of leading, we are also happily surprised by all the children, young people and adults who turn to the Church to ask for a sacrament .
The priests ordained this year are of their time. They have grown and matured with those they accompany in their spiritual life. These sacramental approaches are nourishing for those who ask for them, they are also for those who confer the sacraments. A pastoral life centered on the sacraments, or sacramentals, includes a theological intensity that is stimulating for the exercise of priestly ministry. The Church speaks to the heart. This preparation is not a face-to-face meeting between priest and catechumen , or any other person requesting a sacrament . It is a rich moment of preparation, then deployment, with a team of Christians from various vocations, missions and states: lay people , religious, deacons, young people and elders...
The Church needs priests to meet the spiritual expectations of our time, but not only priests... This is how the synodal Church dear to Pope Francis is taking shape. The Spirit continues to breathe and call those who, even today, make this demanding and gratifying choice of following in the footsteps of Christ the Good Shepherd.
Beautiful ministry of priests who respond to the spiritual expectations of the time: the adventure is worth the effort and enlightens the world!
Mgr Bertrand Lacombe,
Archbishop of Auch,
President of the National Diaconate Committee and member of the Council for ordained ministers and lay people on ecclesial mission
Image : CNS image of priestly ordinations at the Vatican
