Wow Pope Francis with 50,000 Kids at Rome's Stadium says "girls and boys who want to build a world of peace" - "Jesus in the Gospel said that he loves you." on 1st Children's Day
UPDATED: First World Children's Day in Rome. Around 50,000 children from around the globe and participants awaited Pope Francis at the Olympic Stadium in Rome. The organized event was broadcast live by the Italian state television station Rai1. The 87-year-old Italian actor and comedian Lino Banfi, the "Grandfather of Italy", with whom Francis had already met several times, also gave a greeting as a representative of the grandparents. In this speech he stressed the importance of grandparents for children and the family and underlined how Francis is the "Grandfather of the World". The singer Renato Zero also paid tribute to the Pope. As part of the first ever World Children's Day (WCD); Peace was the main theme of the event. The Pope arrived at 4.40 p.m. on his popemobile and was greeted with applause and by the hymn “A Beautiful World,” sung by the Choir of the Diocese of Rome. FULL TEXT Speech of Pope Francis in the Olympic Stadium - Saturday, May 25, 2024
Dear girls, dear children, boys and girls!
Here we are! Here we are! The adventure of GMB, World Children's Day, has begun. We have gathered here at the Olympic Stadium, to give the "kick-off" to a movement of girls and boys who want to build a world of peace, where we are all brothers, a world that has a future, because we want to take care of environment that surrounds us. “Beautiful world”, says your song. Thanks for this!
In you, children, everything speaks of life, of the future. And the Church, which is mother, welcomes you, accompanies you with tenderness and hope. Last November 6, I had the joy of welcoming several thousand children from many parts of the world to the Vatican. That day you brought a wave of joy; and you told me your questions about the future. That meeting left an imprint on my heart and I understood that that conversation with you had to continue, it had to be extended to many other children and young people. And this is why we are here today: to continue to dialogue, to ask questions and answers.
(POPE FRANCIS' Speech starts at the 1:36:00 Mark on the Video Below in English)
I know you are sad about the wars. I ask you: are you sad about the wars? [children respond]: “Yes!” – “I don't hear” – “Yes!”. Today I received children who fled from Ukraine who were in so much pain from the wars. Some of them were injured. Is war a beautiful thing? [the children reply]: “No!”. You can't hear it. [the children reply]: “No!”. And peace, is it a beautiful thing? [the children answer]: “Yes!”. I like feeling like you're children. You are saddened because many of your peers cannot go to school. There are girls and boys who cannot go to school. They are realities that I also carry in my heart, and I pray for them. We pray for the children who cannot go to school, for the children who suffer from wars, for the children who have nothing to eat, for the children who are sick and no one cares for them.
A question. Listen carefully. Do you know what the motto of this World Children's Day is? Do you know what the motto is? The motto is a phrase taken from the Bible: "Behold, I make all things new." Have you listened to it? [the children answer]: “Yes!”. “Behold, I make all things new.” Shall we say it together? [All together]: “Behold, I make all things new.” Another time: “Behold, I make all things new.” This is the motto. It's beautiful. Think: God wants this, everything that is not new passes away. God is new. The Lord always gives us news.
Dear children, let's move forward and have joy. Joy is health for the soul. Dear girls and boys, Jesus in the Gospel said that he loves you. A question: does Jesus love you? You can't hear it! [the children respond]: “Yes! And the devil, does he love you? [the children reply]: “No!”. Well done! Courage and forward.
Now, all together, if you want, let's make a prayer to the Mother, to the Mother of Heaven.
Recite Hail Mary
God bless you! God bless you!