Saint May 9 : St. Louise de Marillac : a Widow who Became a Nun - Patron Saint of Disappointing Children, Rejected by Religious Orders, Social Workers

NB. In 2016 this Feast Day was moved from March 15 to May 9 in the Roman Calendar
Born:12 August 1591 at Meux, France - Died: 15 March 1660 at Paris, France
Canonized: 11 March 1934 by Pope Pius XI
Born:12 August 1591 at Meux, France - Died: 15 March 1660 at Paris, France
Canonized: 11 March 1934 by Pope Pius XI
Major Shrine: Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Rue du Bac, Paris, France
Patron Saint of: disappointing children, loss of parents, people rejected by religious orders, sick people, social workers, Vincentian Service Corps, widows
Prayer : O Gracious God, Saint Louise devoted her life to helping Saint Vincent de Paul serve the needs of the poor. She often taught: "Be diligent in serving the poor. Love the poor, honor them, as you would honor Christ Himself." I lift up to You the programs in my church and community that help the needy, and the people who do the work. Multiply the donations. Teach me how to think generously. Give me a heart that desires to care for the poor as if I were serving Jesus directly, and help me to see Jesus in each person that begs on the street corner or church door. Saint Louise, pray for us. Amen.Her father's serious disposition was reflected in the daughter's taste for philosophy and kindred subjects.
When about sixteen years old, Louise developed a strong desire to enter the Capuchinesses (Daughter of the Passion). Her spiritual director dissuaded her, however, and her father having died, it became necessary to decide her vocation. Interpreting her director's advice, she accepted the hand of Antoine* (married)
Le Gras, a young secretary under Maria de' Medici. A son was born of this marriage on 13 October, 1613, and to his education Mme Le Gras devoted herself during the years of his childhood. Of works of charity she never wearied. In 1619 she became acquainted with St. Francis de Sales, who was then in Paris, and Mgr. Le Campus, Bishop of Belley, became her spiritual adviser. Troubled by the thought that she had rejected a call to the religious state, she vowed in 1623 not remarry should her husband die before her.
Mr. Le Gras died on 21 December, 1625, after a long illness. In the meantime his wife had made the acquaintance of a priest known as M. Vincent (St. Vincent de Paul), who had been appointed superior of the Visitation Monastery by St. Francis of Sales. She placed herself under his direction, probably early in 1625. His influence led her to associate herself with his work among the poor of Paris, and especially in the extension of the Confrérie de la Charité, an association which he had founded for the relief of the sick poor. It was this labour which decided her life's work, the founding of the Sisters of Charity. The history of the evolution of this institute, which Mlle Le Gras plays so prominent a part,
has been given elsewhere (see Charity, Sister of); it suffices here to say that, with formal ecclesiastical and state recognition, Louise's life-work received its assurance of success. Her death occurred in
1660, a few month before the death of St. Vincent, with whose labours she had been so closely united.
(Taken From Catholic Encyclopedia)